"Device not recognised" when I connect my phone to my PC

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PCHF Member
Sep 4, 2021
I recently got a new computer, and suddenly, I cannot access my files on my phone (Samsung S21) which I was able to on my laptop via USB, and now, I can't even do the same on my laptop. When I plug the USB in to my computer, nothing happens except that my phone begins to charge. A message pops up on my phone saying "check the connection of your charger" although the phone continues to charge. However, a few seconds later it stops charging but my computer finally detects the USB and makes the sound that it does when that happens. It comes up with this message. On my laptop all but the actual recognition of the USB connected takes place. I have USB settings on for both my PC and laptop and I have tried this with two different wires with the same thing happening. I tried going in development mode after looking up the problem online and that still didn't work. I tried going on device manager but the "other devices" button isn't there. Is the problem my phone?
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