CPU Upgrade

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Joao Lago

PCHF Member
Nov 29, 2019
Hey guys!

My current build is:
Intel i5-6400
Motherboard Intel B150M PRO-VDH
24GB RAM (Two 4GB units of DDR4-2400 Sport LT from Ballistix and Two 8GB units of DDR4-2400 Sport LT from Ballistix)
NVIDIA geforce 1070
Case model: NOX Hummer ZS Zero Edition, ATX MID TOWER CHASSIS

I was thinking about upgrading my CPU as I believe it is bottlenecking my game performance, or do you think there is any other part that could be hurting the PC performance?
I use my PC for gaming essentially, for games such as Rocket League, NBA 2K20, CS:GO and now COD Warzone.

I have been suggested an upgrade when I once posted here once (link here), just wanted to know if there could be any other reason for my PC not handling recent games so easily or any other suggestions as upgrade options.


So are all the games you mentioned bottle necking or just one in particular?

So are all the games you mentioned bottle necking or just one in particular?

I can run RL, NBA and CS:GO pretty easily, but in Warzone I can only get around 70fps if I have most settings to High/Ultra
I just thought maybe if there was any part that was holding back my PC performance it would be the CPU but came here to hear your guys oppinions and suggestions
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