Solved Copy/transfer a full 'partition' to a new Internal Drive, and still maintaining Dual Boot facility

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PCHF Member
Dec 4, 2016
Sorry, not sure where this item should be posted?
I have a 500 gb drive, Dual booted to Windows 10 (day to day work) and Windows 7 (Flight sim), there is no further capacity for expansion. I would like to copy/transfer the window 7 partition on to a new 1T Internal Drive, expand the Windows 10 partition into the newly formed space and keep the Dual Boot facility, How is this best achieved?
Is the new 1 tb a blank disk or does it have win 10 on it? Are you duel booting both o/s of the 500 gb drive if so you can just clone it to the 1 tb and expand paritions as part of the clone
Hi, thanks, that's what I was hoping, the new disc is blank and doesn't have any OS, and yes I will be dual booting both o/s, win 7 will be on the new drive and win 10 expanded and remaining on the existing drive, I was mainly concerned that the 'paths' would be affected when the win 7 was transferred?
Thanks, I'll let you know how it goes.
Update, all working fine and Dandy! slight problem sorting out the Boot order in the Bios, but I find the layout for the ASUS slightly confusing.
Many thanks for your help!...again!
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