Constant stuttering / freezing

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PCHF Member
Jan 2, 2021
PC Specs :

Intel i5 10400 CPU (new)

16 gb RAM (new)

Geforce GTX 970 (around 5 years old)

128gb SSD (around 5 years old)

I've been playing a game called Escape From Tarkov a while now and it seems this is the only game it happens on and has only started as of recently and seems to be getting progressively worse.

I get around 100+ FPS when playing.

What happens for example on Tarkov is when in a match randomly it will start to slowly stutter and then get progressively worse the longer I play the game without restarting, it will just freeze / stutter and I have noticed when it starts to stutter and I get into combat or even get shot at, the stuttering will rapidly get worse during that gun fire, making the lag and stuttering even worse to where I am sometimes froze with 1 fps not being able to move which has happened a lot so far, sometimes looking at the floor / sky while this happens will help with increasing FPS while freezing. This isn't the only thing that happens, once I restart the game ALL of my desktop processes such as my browser become extremely slow taking ages to refresh a single page or to even unpause a youtube video, nothing will register for about 3-5 seconds.

The weird thing is when I restart Tarkov and get back on, it won't freeze / stutter for a while and will play as normal but my desktop processes will all still be very slow and even if reset, only thing I can do to make everything fast again is to have a restart on the PC.

I have stress tested my GPU, made sure my SSD was healthy with R/W inputs, ran tests while it was stuttering to see if anything was diminishing and also looked at Task manager to see if there was any noticeable changes.

Oddly enough, nothing was wrong with the PC it showed on all tests.
I'm not sure what could be wrong, any help would be much appreciated.
Seasonic 750W
Model : SS-750KM Active PFC F3 (X-750)

Had it for about 2 years or so now.
The temps of my PC or PSU? if PSU what software shows the temps of it.

Usually my GPU is 40/50 degrees when it stutters, the temps were showing fine for the CPU and GPU when I did test them a while ago, not sure of the exact for the CPU.
I've been playing a game called Escape From Tarkov a while now and it seems this is the only game it happens on

This suggests a problem with the game itself or the games server.

Response times are 4 to 5 days apparently but if the issue is as you say only with this game I suggest that if not done already that you check the support info here
I have the minimum system requirements for Tarkov and not everyone that plays and streams gets this issue as I do. I have noticed, using a different browser that doesn't take as much memory causes less stuttering in game and decreases the frequency of it stuttering.
Not sure of your point but your specs are above the recommended suggested here so therefore reinforces the game itself or the games server. if not the case you would have the issue with every game.
But how come this issue doesn't occur for anyone else that I play the game with on the same servers or even when I watch people play, no one has these issues
That is something that we cannot answer I`m afraid :(

We can only go by the information/facts that we are provided with and based on the info you have provided your hardware is fine meaning it can only be the game or the games server connection with your computer;

The issue is only with the game Escape From Tarkov.

Your hardware is above the recommended specs for playing Escape From Tarkov.

The issue doesn't occur for anyone else that you play the game with on the same servers.

You don`t have the issue when playing any other games.

We can only try and help you fix broken hardware or with Windows crashing etc, we cannot help with buggy third party software or issues with games servers.

If you have tried clean installing the game and it has not helped any your only option is to open a support ticket with the games provider, the fact that you may have to wait 4/5 days for any reply from their support suggests that yours is not an isolated issue.

We need to check the spec of your monitor to see if it has GSync and at least one display port (DP).

What is the brand and model name or number of your screen and what type of video ports are you using on the GPU and the display.
That is something that we cannot answer I`m afraid :(

We can only go by the information/facts that we are provided with and based on the info you have provided your hardware is fine meaning it can only be the game or the games server connection with your computer;

The issue is only with the game Escape From Tarkov.

Your hardware is above the recommended specs for playing Escape From Tarkov.

The issue doesn't occur for anyone else that you play the game with on the same servers.

You don`t have the issue when playing any other games.

We can only try and help you fix broken hardware or with Windows crashing etc, we cannot help with buggy third party software or issues with games servers.

If you have tried clean installing the game and it has not helped any your only option is to open a support ticket with the games provider, the fact that you may have to wait 4/5 days for any reply from their support suggests that yours is not an isolated issue.

We need to check the spec of your monitor to see if it has GSync and at least one display port (DP).

What is the brand and model name or number of your screen and what type of video ports are you using on the GPU and the display.

Yeah that's understandable, and I never have GSync on but I get that it could be manually on somewhere else I don't know of, I've currently been using BenQ XL2411Z 144hz monitor with DVI cable.
The BenQ XL2411Z does not have the Gsync capability nor any DP I`m afraid so to get the best from your GPU and display you should really be using the the HDMI port on the GPU and the display, long shot that it will help any with the Tarkov game but if swapping in a HDMI cable improves every other game it is worth doing in any event.
I try to input my HDMI cable into the monitor but unfortunately it doesn't have any signal. Haven't used it in a while so I assume the wire itself could be damaged. Would it even be worth to buy a new one if the HDMI itself even is the problem or no?
Did you change the video source setting on the monitor from DVI to HDMI, see page 46 of your display user manual, if you do not still have it you can download it from here

Your call on whether or not you replace anything, if the above does not help with getting you a video signal the present drivers are not compatible or the card itself is faulty, it depends on how much time and effort you want to put into it tbh.
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