I got the March batch update a week late and ever since it installed, my internet connectivity has been inconsistent. It routinely drops on my windows 10 computer despite all other devices in my house (W8 laptop, phone, tablet) having no issues. I've noticed that my computer now seems to recognize my router as sending out two signals, one which is the actual signal with my account name that still works fine, and one that doesn't really exist and has a generic name, When my internet drops, it is my computer disconnecting from my actual wifi and connecting to the fake signal. I've repeatedly tried to have my computer forget the fake signal and even uninstalled and reinstalled the driver for my wireless component to no avail. I have also uninstalled one update from March (KB5000802) under the suspicion that it was what caused my computer to freeze and need to be manually restarted several times. My computer hasn't frozen since removing this update, but it didn't fix the internet issue. No other updates since that have been meant to fix previous updates' errors have resolved my internet issue either.