Computer randomly restarting frequently after new CPU installation

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Jul 28, 2023
I recently replaced my Ryzen 9 3900X with a Ryzen 9 5900X, and it was fine for the first couple of days, though I had only used it for a few hours each day. Today, it started spontaneously restarting every few minutes. The restarts are quick, I'm not getting any error or blue screens nor am I being prompted to examine something in the bios when it restarts. The shutoff are instantaneous, no freezing of windows or applications or anything beforehand, it just shuts off and reboots. I unmounted and remounted the RAM, I updated my Bios firmware, graphics driver, various device drivers and windows 10 itself, but the issue persists.

It almost seems like a power supply issue but I have a 1050 watt PSU which seems like more than enough power for my machine and it seems too convenient that it's only started happening since I replaced the CPU. I've had Core Temp open all day the CPU never even hits 70 degrees when the shutoffs happen, the fans aren't speeding up more than usual either so I don't think it's overheating. My next step would be going back to my previous CPU but before I waste much more time and thermal paste, I wanted to see if anyone else could think of what could be causing this or a solution I haven't tried yet.

Running Windows 10

Hardware Specs:
AMD Ryzen 9 5900X (previously Ryzen 9 3900X) (Noctua DH15s Air Cooler)
Nvidia GeForce RTX 3090
32 GB (2x 16GB) DDR4-3000 Memory
1TB WD Blue SN550 M.2 PCIe NVMe SSD (Boot)
1050 Watt Modular "High Power 80 PLUS Gold" PSU (Don't know the exact brand off the top of my head since this PC was built from order)
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