Computer freezing randomly

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PCHF Member
Jun 24, 2022
The problem I am currently facing is that my pc starts freezing randomly for like 5 minutes and then works perfectly but after a while it freezes again it happened before twice and every time it happened I just reinstalled windows through iso file I mean by mounting it and first when this happened I reinstalled windows 8.1 then it happened again when I reconnected my cd drive to my PC whose wires were disconnected then I reinstalled windows 8.1 then my audio issue happened I opened my pc case connected a board which has 2 audio ports and 2 usb ports I connected them correctly but the freezing problem started again and I don't want to reinstall windows again if you have any solutions please give and also apparently my pc has a red light which I don't know what it does but my best guess is that when it's flashing bright no blinking theres no problem to my pc but when those lights starts blinking when I am on desktop that indicates me that the freezing problem has occurred and it actually did so please help
let's get your PC specs.

get Speccy from here;
in Speccy, click File > Publish Snapshot > Copy to Clipboard > Close.
now you can paste (Ctrl+V) that link into a post.

One component Speccy doesn’t cover is the Power Supply Unit, so please also include the make/model of the PSU.
AND also my main network is a 300mbps ethernet connectivity that i use for gaming i disconnected it because i thought it was too much for my pc the internet i am currently using is my mobile internet
After the freezing problem occurs my pc has also started running disk checkup and repairing but found nothing idk why it ran it
And also after it freezes alot of time the pc crashes with the your pc has ran into a problem the error it shows underneath is KERNAL_DATA_INPAGE ERROR
sounds like your hard drive may be at fault.

from the Speccy report, you have a small amount of slow RAM running on a vintage Pentium chip.
and the motherboard's BIOS is 10 years out of date.
SMART shows some CRC errors at some point and quiet a few G-sense errors indication a severe knock while the drive was in use.

let's see what errors can be found on the drive.
try these from an elevated command prompt;
  • chkdsk c: /r
  • sfc /scannow
  • dism /online /cleanup-image /restorehealth
  • dism /online /cleanup-image /startcomponentcleanup /resetbase
Thanx for the reply ,
But you see I can't get my PC to boot up it is stuck on bios which is american megatrends and when I try to open my ecs boot menu nothing opens it shows entering setup but nothing happens it just restarts and gets stuck it happens a couple times back but I entered the setup and choose the UEFI windows boot manager to boot it worked but now it doesn't also sometime back this issue happened I took out my ram and placed it again in the same slot and it worked but now I don't want to do it and there's no guarantee it will work so if you have any advice pls give also all that I can understand is that it is not sensing any boot media
removing the memory, cleaning the chip, its contact pins, and all the motherboard RAM slots with a soft bristled brush will be a good start.

but yeah, it could all be explained by a bad hard drive.

remove the drive and see if you can get into BIOS at least and navigate around.

if you have access to another PC, you could make a bootable USB stick with a Linux distro on it for further testing. something like Puppy or Mint.

any chance you have an old drive lying around, or can get your hands on one, and load Windows onto that.
Thanx your tip worked I removed the hard disk entered the boot menu restored defaults then choose windows boot manager and now it works
Hello Sir,
On the cmd command SFC /scannow it shows
yeah, not surprised, based on what you have said, and from the Speccy report, I'm quietly confident that your hard drive needs replacing.

this would be a great opportunity to consider replacing that 500GB HDD with a 512GB solid state drive to get some speed back into that old girl! :)
Ok so your saying that the problem is in my hard drive?? But if I now install a new windows it would be back normal how?? And thanx for the reply once again much appreciated.
I'm not saying the problem IS your hard drive.
all I can say is, from what you have described, and from what Speccy shows, and the age - with that info I would be betting the drive is failing, has bad sectors, has been knock - who knows.

certainly can't hurt to replace it, and take the opportunity to upgrade to a solid state unit.

something like a Samsung EVO;
they aren't the cheapest, but I do rate then the most reliable.
Also I want to state that my pc first had two partitions with Windows 7 that time ithas no issues after that my local computer guy told me that the partitions were wrong and change the partitions to two partitions and after that it all started could it be if I revert back the changes it would help
from what you have already described, I am quietly confident, you at least need to replaced that drive.

BUT... as with all things computers, sometimes you either cannot bet 100%, or something from left field will surprise you.

so yeah, have a crack at backing up your files, formatted the drive and removing all partitions, and reload Windows.
nothing to lose. (y)
and that process of installing Windows, the drivers, your software, and your data, will be I/O intensive enough that any short-comings with the drive should show themselves in errors during reloading, or failures when restoring your data.
from what you have already described, I am quietly confident, you at least need to replaced that drive.

BUT... as with all things computers, sometimes you either cannot bet 100%, or something from left field will surprise you.

so yeah, have a crack at backing up your files, formatted the drive and removing all partitions, and reload Windows.
nothing to lose. (y)
and that process of installing Windows, the drivers, your software, and your data, will be I/O intensive enough that any short-comings with the drive should show themselves in errors during reloading, or failures when restoring your data.
I have reinstalled windows with iso file not with installation media did not do anything with partitions so far so good it has not crashed or freezed yet I think that the problem has solved I don't know about the future nothing has happened so far
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