Computer “Freezes” and I have to force shut down.

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PCHF Member
Mar 24, 2021
Throughout the day I watch a twitch stream or video on one monitor and do work on the other. Without fail, at least once a day everything freezes. First, the stream, which I then try to refresh thinking it’s my wifi only to realize it’s my pc freezing again, and then if I have anything else open it freezes along with it. My animated desktop freezes, discord freezes, other apps freeze. I can click on things but it doesn’t do anything. I can open task manager but then it also freezes and I can’t do anything. I press “restart” and it does nothing, I Ctrl+alt+Delete and it does nothing. I have to force shut down via my power button.

My pc is windows 10, nvidia gtx 1060 6gb, 8gb ram, Ryzen 5 1600. I built it in 2018 and I just recently started having this issue. Drivers are all updated.

The link to video of the issue: (its low quality sorry, but it’s visible if you switch to 480p)
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Decent enough PSU and still covered by warranty so less likely to be the cause of what looks to be something possibly overheting.

We will check the temps and voltages at some point but for now can you do the below for us;

Download then run Speccy (free) and post the resultant url for us, details here, this will provide us with information about your computer hardware + any software that you have installed that may explain the present issue/s.

To publish a Speccy profile to the Web:

In Speccy, click File, and then click Publish Snapshot.

In the Publish Snapshot dialog box, click Yes to enable Speccy to proceed.

Speccy publishes the profile and displays a second Publish Snapshot. You can open the URL in your default browser, copy it to the clipboard, or close the dialog box.
We can see a couple of things amiss in Speccy but for now will stick with the two most likely to cause a system to lock up.

Your system is running hot when it is not under any load and likewise you have high memory usage for an idle computer;

AMD Ryzen 5 1600: 58 °C


Physical Memory
Memory Usage: 53 %
Total Physical: 7.93 GB

How many chassis fans do you have.

Is there a plenty of room around the chassis to allow for cool, clean air to be drawn into the front of the case and expelled at the back of the case by an exhaust fan.
I have 2 fans in the front, one on the CPU, and one in the back. There's plenty of room for air to flow imo. I just checked and it seems like Speccy increases my temp by like 10 degrees for some reason. In the past my pc has ran around these temps so I don't know how it would suddenly be the issue causing the freezing :(
Heat is the bane of all things electrical and rather than being an instant killer heat damages hardware over a period of time, you have a good cooling fan set up there so there is no way that you would ordinarily be getting those temps, for for what it`s worth adding a second display increases the internal temperatures by an average of 10 °C.

What I suggest is to disconnect the second screen then do the following;

Use the free versions at the following links;

Stress test your GPU with Furmark

Check your FPS etc with SUPERPOSITION
I’ll do that when I get home! I actually just got a 2nd monitor a couple months ago :/ Maybe I’ll try just using one monitor for a bit and see what happens as well?
No problem and no need to reply until it is to post the outcome of any testing.
I ran the Furmark test and my GPU maxed at about 75 celsius with 113~ fps. I ran the full 17 scenes of the unigine test and it had an avg 67 fps, max temp 74 Celsius. Both tests had max usage of 99%.

Yesterday my computer froze within 40 minutes of using chrome and doing my usual twitch video and YouTube combination, so I tried using Microsoft edge for the rest of the day and it didn’t freeze. However, today I used Microsoft edge and it did freeze. It took much longer but still.

I also feel it’s worth mentioning that I only notice it freezing when I’m watching videos. I play video games every night and it does not freeze at all, but when I’m watching a stream and a YouTube video it freezes.
Your Furmark and Unigene results + your Edge test (which was a good idea (y) ) suggest that this is not a hardware issue but a problem with your internet service.

Have a test plan in mind but can you get back to us regarding the below first.

Is Kaspersky a free or a paid for product.

Is Chrome set as your default browser.
Make a note of your Kaspersky licence key details.

Create a new system restore point then uninstall Kaspersky, removal tool for Kaspersky here

Restart the computer, check to see if Windows Defender has auto enabled and allow it to update and carry out a full scan of your computer.

Test by using the computer as you normally would then get back to us with an update.
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