Computer dies upon startup if not connected to outlet

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PCHF Member
Dec 12, 2023
I have a problem wtih my Acer Swift 5 SF514-54GT. Whenever I start it, if it is not connected to an outlet, it immediately shows critically low battery level and turns off. This happens even if I turned it off fully charged a couple of hours before. After plugging it in to an outlet I can start it again. Once it starts it usually shows <5% battery but within 5 minutes it gradually increases up to 100%. At this point I can disconnect it from the outlet and use it for well over 5 hours before the battery gets too low. So somehow the problem seems to be that the computer is reading the battery status completely wrong. Anyone who has experienced the same iss? or has any solutions?
g'day and welcome to the forum. :)

how old is the laptop?
and this issue has only started happening recently?
Thank you!

It is about 3.5 years old, and yes the issue started quite recently, about one to two monthts ago. Before this I've had zero issues with it. I've never heard about anyone with this issue before. It only seems to read an incorrect battery level at startup. But if its plugged in, a few minutes after starting it will read the battery level correctly. At least until I turn it off again. Also the problem seems to happen both when I turn it fully off and also when I put it in Sleep Mode.
Here are some things that may help (old school) and to add to what Bruce has stated.

Where the power plugs into the system does it feel loose in any way. May not be making a proper connection.
Is this the OEM or aftermarket power source?

Aftermarket can destroy batteries especially if they are the incorrect and overpowered. Some OEM charges have a chip that is supposed to read the battery information and automatically stop charging the battery.

(I have used aftermarket ones that worked just as good yet matching the plug and power information without issue)

Does the battery or the power source feel not just warm yet hot to the touch.

Open an Admin Command prompt and type the following command.

powercfg /batteryreport

This will create a HTML file on your system which will be displayed where in the Command prompt.

If you have questions attach the file to a post.

Reseat the battery.
Disconnect the battery and discharge they system.
Reconnect the battery and with the power connected test and see if that worked.

Depending on the Windows version you have go into device manager and remove Microsoft ACPI-Compliant Control Method Battery.
(If there is more than one remove them all)


Reboot the system and see if that correct it.

Calibrate the battery.
Charge it to the fullest then run on the battery until the system will no longer power on.
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