Computer Cannot Detect Built-In Camera?

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PCHF Member
Sep 2, 2021
I can't turn my webcam on. It started yesterday. When I restart my computer, I can turn the webcam on for a few minutes, maybe about six minutes max, and then it turns itself off and I can't turn it back on. I tried a lot of online advice like looking in the device manager, but when I looked, it did not have a Camera or any Imaging Devices listed. So then I just tried to look for the Camera on my laptop, and it said it did not detect any cameras (error code 0xA00F4244). It's a Lenovo IdeaPad that I bought a little less than nine months ago (last December) running Windows 10 if that helps, and I already checked if Windows needed to update, and it doesn't, I'm up to date. I also tried scanning for malware using Windows Defender and CCleaner, and they didn't find anything malicious. I'm really not very computer smart, so any advice put into the simplest wording possible would be very appreciated!! It's super frustrating because I have some online classes this semester and my professors expect webcams turned on, and now all of a sudden mine is refusing to. Here is a picture of what it looks like on my screen when I try to turn my webcam on.
I had something similar many years ago.
just couldn't get the laptop's webcam going.
ended up finding the brand name of the webcam used in the laptop and got the driver directly from that website instead.
but jump through the hoops first - go to your laptop's manufacturer's site and get the latest webcam driver.

also, don't forget, USB webcams can be had for under $50, so weigh up all the pro's and con's of all the potential solutions ahead of you that may yeild no successful outcome compared to just going out and buying an external webcam. yes! - shouldn't have to, but at the end of the day, what's less stressful? :)
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