Can’t install operating system

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PCHF Member
Apr 17, 2023
I just built a computer and every time I put the windows install usb in the computer freezes or goes to an infinite loading screen. Can anyone help me fix this?
Sorry but you have post on a tech forum asking for help but have provided zero information about your computer or it`s hardware, this makes it impossible for anyone to even hazard a guess as to what is going on.

Is the computer a custom build or brand name such as Dell or HP, if a brand name, provide the model name or series number (not serial) if a custom build post the brand and model name or number for the CPU, MB, the RAM (including the amount) add on video card if one is used and the PSU (power supply unit) providing these details will enable folk to better help you.
How did you create the installation media?
Are you installing Windows 10 or 11?
Is the hard drive & USB drive recognised in the BIOS?
It’s a custom build Ryzen 5 5600
Gigabyte b-550m motherboard
16 gb ddr4 3200 mhz patriot viper ram
Rtx 3070
EVGA 600 w power supply
480gb Kingston sata ssd
Which Revision of the motherboard are you using?

Which version of BIOS is currently installed?
Different Revisions of the board requires different version of BIOS to be installed for the CPU which could be causing the issue.
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