Can't get my headsets microphone to work on my pc.

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PCHF Member
Jun 14, 2022
Hey all, hope someone can help.

I can't get any headsets microphone to work on my pc. I can connect it and the computer can "see" it, but when i talk to friends, all they hear is loud noices and some sort of electric noises (not even a little bit of my voice, just loud noices).

I have tried both AUX headphones and USB, nothing works. Will wireless/bluetooth do the job or is there something wrong with my computer?
Hope someone might have a answer for me.. :)
make model of headset?
have you tried different USB ports, and different 3.5mm ports?
what connectors does the headset have - USB and/or 3.5mm jack, and does it have a green for the speakers and a pink for the microphone?
if only one 3.5mm jack, is it a 3 pole or a 4 pole jack?
does your PC have a port capable of handling a 4 pole jack if you're using one?
does the headset work in any other device?
I have tried alle the different ports in my pc, but same resulst in all of them.
Atm, all i using is normal aux apple earplugs, works fine on different devices.
Also tried by bodies razer headset with USB connector, works fine on his pc, but same bad result on my pc.

It has a "hole" for the microphone and one for the sound. Dont know about if it can take both 3 pole and 4 pole..

Sorry, my knowledge of computer tech is beyond bad
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