Cannot erase backup file create by AEOMI Backupper

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PCHF Member
Jul 9, 2018
I recently came across a file (extension .afi) that I must have created years ago with AEOMI backupper. the file is of no use to me but I have been unable to delete either with AEOMI Backupper or through Windows Explores or with a command line instruction. With AEOMI the option to delete the file is greyed out; with the Windows options the computer justs says the file is too large for the recycle bin, prompts me to remove it immediately, but when I say ok, the computer just hangs there "deleting" it forever, sucking up resources and slowing the computer to a crawl until it finally crashes. I have tried letting the delete process run all night with no luck.

Needless to say, I have been in touch with AEOMI Tech support but they haven't been able to provide a solution.

Does anybody know of a command line script or third-party program that will let me get rid of this pesky file?

Thanks in advance.

OK, thanks. The disk seems to
Backup file.JPG
be fine and it looks like I (as the administrator; see screenshot above) am the "owner" of the file. See But I still cannot delete it. Any other ideas? Thanks.
When I had a problem where I could not remove a file (I must have tried 5 or 6 different programs with no success), I booted up a small old version linux distro called Porteus. That got rid of what I wanted.

If you know linux or have a friend who does, boot up a live distro, open the file manger, find the troublesome file and you can delete it.
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