BUYING computer

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PCHF Member
May 27, 2019
sooo i’m actually new to this forum or actually forums in general lmao and i’m not sure if i even put this on the right thread or whatever and i’m sorry if not BUT i am looking into buying my first PC and have a really low budget of $600. i really am just looking for advice on what i should do with the budget i have. would i get a better pc if i build it myself with parts i can get that fit my budget or should i just buy a prebuilt pc? does anyone have any recommended websites i should check out? or if anyone wants to actually do the work of figuring out the perfect build for my budget and send the names of the specific parts that would be the best thing anyone has ever done for me lmaooo. thanks in advance ✌
you’re absolutely right omg i’m dumb. i’m looking to play games. shooters like rainbow six siege, pubg, and fortnite.
Welcome to PCHF boltz,

The budget is a bit tight being honest and depending on the intended use it may not be possible to do, if I give you an example of a cost that needs to be factored in it is the cost of Windows which will cost you circa $100 which in turn drops your build budget down to $500.

Pre built systems can save you money on the likes of Windows being pre installed but the builders tend to skimp on important parts like the PSU and RAM, the latter by using a single 8GB stick which means that it only runs in single channel, 1200MHz as opposed to the 2400MHz that the RAM will run at in dual channel mode.

Let us know the intended use and if you have any parts already that could possibly be re used in the build.

Edit to add, we post at the same time unfortunately, just a fyi, below is the recommended specs for PUBG;

CPU: Intel Core i5-6600K / AMD Ryzen 5 1600
RAM: 16 GB
OS: 64-bit Windows 7, Windows 8.1, Windows 10
VIDEO CARD: nVidia GeForce GTX 1060 3GB / AMD Radeon RX 580 4GB
as far as windows goes or anything like that i’d need AFTER the build is complete don’t even worry about that stuff. the $600 is all going towards just the parts of the pc itself. monitor, keyboard, mouse, and all computer programs will be bought with different money. and since this will be my first pc i don’t have any extra parts sadly
As long as you realise that you will not be able to use any computer without Windows being installed etc.
As long as you realise that you will not be able to use any computer without Windows being installed etc.
i know most things about using computers, just not about the inside and all the specifics surrounding the parts. i am confident i could put a pc together with a couple youtube vids and maybe a couple more forum posts lol
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