Solved Built first Gaming PC - Any tips on configuration

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PCHF Member
Nov 8, 2021
Hi Everyone,

Hope this post isn't too broad, but over the first lockdown, I decided to build my first PC.
Was surprisingly easy as there are so many Youtube guides and advice out there.

It's not the highest spec as the budget didn't allow and the majority of the components were second hand, but I am happy with it.
One thing I am not sure though is am getting the most out of it?

The specs are:

AB350 - Gaming motherboard
Ryzen 5 1600X
2 x Corsair CMK8GX4M1A2400C16 Vengeance LPX 8 GB RAM
GTX1060 3GB
WD 512GB NVme storage
3 front fans
1 rear fan
Stock AMD Ryzen cooler

So by configuration really wanted to highlight a few bits to make sure I have done it right, I play FPS games and obviously like everyone wants to get the most out of my machine.

I have setup MSi Afterburner and all running stable with the settings below, but I am very new to this kind of thing! (total Noob actually!) so wonder is this ok or should I change?

Next is Ryzen Master, is this worth looking at? Or shall I steer well clear?

Final bit is memory, how can I easily check that I have my RAM running at the full 2400Ghz?


I have updated the BIOS to the latest version.

I appreciate any help/advice, also would you recommend chanmging the stock cooler to a budget tower cooler or is that just going to be a waste of money/time?

Many thanks everyone.
Your parts are what they are and you cannot get any more out of them than what you are already.

NB: The only thing that you could have done different would have been to use 2666MHz RAM, not much difference between the 2400MHz that you have and if the parts were pre owned the 2400MHz has adequately filled the gap.
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