Building new gaming pc!

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PCHF Member
Nov 23, 2019
Hello everyone!
As I am building my new gaming pc and I am not so familiar with it, I'd like to ask for help.
A few details about pc:

Budget: ~1050$ without cpu (I already bought i5 9600k cuz it was a bargain price (it was even 20$ cheaper then amd ryzen 5 3600))
I am living in eu so please consider eu prices.
I am going to use 1920x1080 240hz monitor
Games that are gonna be played are mostly fps (for now cs:go,fortnite), and probably other that will come out and interest me but I am mostly fps enthusiast that plays on competitive low settings. (I prefer as good smoothness as possible).

I'd like to buy a pc that will not need any upgrades in the near future.

I think I mentioned everything thats needed to build one, if not, ask me I am gonna respond as fast as possible.

Thank you to everyone who wants to help me!
Yes, actually I already bought almost all parts, but I am wondering
I bought psu: seasonic focus plus gold 550w and I am wondering if it will be enough for i5 9600k / rtx 2070 super / 2x8 ram memory / m.2 ssd etc if I will want to overclock everything or should I change it for 650w just incase?
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