Building my 2nd PC

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PCHF Member
Feb 26, 2018
Granby, ct
so im on to building my sencond PC. finally.

so a little about my first pc that i built:

cpu: FX-9590 overclocked to 6ghz on liquid cooling
gpu: dual 760 winforce
psu: 1300w EVGA supernova
HDD- multiple HDDs up to 10 TB
SSD-1 250gb
AIO 280 mm liquid cooler. 32gb of ram
10+ fans
xygmatek elysium case


with those specs in mind, Im starting to build my next pc (years later) and want it to be meaner, faster, more storage, more power

i just got my case; AZZA GT1

i know what i want, but i dont.

of course liquid cooling, 3+ radiators, 2+ GPUs, bigger power supply. thinking solid tubing this time.

so this is going to be a lengthy build over time, 1 part a month, maybe 2

budget isnt a concern, but should be realistic. GPUs will be last. since their expense.

this PC will be an overclocker, Gaming and streaming unit 1080P minimum, 100FPS minimum on ultra settings..

noise is of no concern, nor is heating the room up. Theme is Black game with forest green accents

so how about some ideas on a direction for reliable bad-arse parts...
I hope so too even though it's over the top. I wouldn't consider myself a novice or an expert. It's just been Soo long since my last one. Figuring out the best plan of action, best parts for the cost ( even though buying gpus, right now isn't smart). I can still build the rest of it.

I would say at the end, the budget will be $3000-$4000. +/-.. (including the GPU)

Thanks , hope I hear good ideas
g'day bigmudtrux,

sounds to me you know what you are doing - at least what 'not' to do when it comes to builds.
and with budget not being a big factor and speed is (as the two rarely are happy bed fellows) then I'd say you are already over the main hurdles.
you don't care about noise or heat which are two more main driving forces in determining a build path.
sort of the only thing left is to simply throw enough money at the issue that you are happy with.

All I'd suggest, since you plan on doing this over some time, and parts can change in that time, is to get the foundations right first.
that is, a good case, motherboard and CPU.
then all the rest can either be added later or even upgraded down the track.

I could tell you get this brand of SSD or that much memory, but it sounds like you know what you are doing.

and yeah, about those GPU's, I did a build for someone about 2 months ago and thanks to the crypto bubble, the video card was about 50% more than it usually was.
Not a good time to build a new rig, silly money being asked for GPUs and this is expected to last until possibly the beginning of next year and almost $200 for 16GB of DDR4 RAM, crazy :eek:

See article here regarding GPU costs and the info here for example build components.
Yeah I won't be buying a GPU for a long while.. just doesn't make sense. But the rest I can.. I already have a 4tb HDD and an optical drive along with Win 7
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I think I'm planning on near 128gb of ram. So far I'm happy with the case, as wierd as the case is. (Azza GT1). It allows multiple 15" graphics card and comes with supports.

Im thinking about getting the radiators and the PSU first, then the mobo. (There will be 3 radiators. Top being a 480mm)

Part of my thing, is to not be like everyone else. I will probably use a tv rather then a monitor ( not every one's pick, but I like the idea of gaming on a 60")
The PSU is always the last component that should be selected as you have no idea of the required wattage or amps on the +12V rail until all hardware is decided on and availability confirmed.
I could get a fair ball park on the wattage, but you are correct on not knowing until all the components are there.

What would you consider the first thing to get then?
Hello BigMudTrux,

Apologies for the delay there, having somewhat of a problem with a Windows 10 installation :confused:
What would you consider the first thing to get then?

Rule of thumb is knowing what processor you would like then choose a MB, a bit more easy to do these days as the specs of MBs are so much better but folk can still come unstuck :confused:

Nothing advised here is intended as any form of criticism and as colleague Bruce advised you appear to know what you are doing (y)
I already have a 4tb HDD and an optical drive along with Win 7

Looking at the specs that you already have I am only seeing the one path AMD Ryzen 7 1700X Vs Intel Core i7-7820X @ 3.60GHz
Still torn though I like the FX-9590.. have never used a ryzen chip. Seen higher values on the FX when comparing in charts.. however, I was somewhat soured with Intel when it's burned up in previous applications. Any reliable data to say it's better?

I'll take what people say with a grain of salt, no worries..

I try to do my research and prior trial and error. Just want top performance for the budget without going through 50 parts to figure it out

The FX-9590 is well down in the rankings now compared to the newer CPUs, this is reflected in the price and it is still good value for money, some alternative CPU benchmarks here the first two I would not consider as you are getting away from readily available MBs which not only limits your choice but also means that you pay a premium for any board that you finally decide on.
I'm going to do the 9590, because of current price and I know it's capable.. then switch to the AM4 board and RYzen 7 1950x when it drops a little. $800+ for just the CPU, is out there.. especially when I could run multiple 9590s if a board exists
Fx-9590 black ediion ordered..

So now I have:

Optical drive (yes I'm still using one)
Win 7 builders edition
Azza GT1 case
4TB hdd

That will most likely do it for this week's purchases.. so well on my way.. (yes it's not a ryzen. Yet)
Sorry but I`m a bit lost as you already have an FX-9590 so why spend your cash on a black edition that was released almost five years ago.
I had one in my last build ( I no longer have) .. 5 year old cpu doesn't mean it's obsolete.. there are plenty of cpus that are still relevant from 10 years ago.. some even still 4 core.

The 9590 still has 8 cores, 4.7 "base" clock. Overclock ability and still plenty of performance potential.
Support such as drivers and BIOS updates for older hardware like motherboards is what you need to keep in mind, you mention that you already have Windows 7 builders version, this for example will be shelved in less than two years time and board manufacturers do not tend to go to the time, trouble and expense of creating drivers etc for older hardware so you could end up needing to upgrade again sooner rather than later.

Is your Windows 7 the same as what you had on the first computer.
It is. Yes I understand it's dated.. however,. In the interim, I have been using a laptop with windows XP. So it's a real upgrade from that and it is still supported.. in 2 years time, I will probably have the thread ripper anyways.
I would say at the end, the budget will be $3000-$4000. +/-.. (including the GPU)
Got to be honest with you BigMudTrux, you would be far better to save up enough cash to purchase current hardware, you post earlier "Fx-9590 black ediion ordered.." did you happen to check on the availability of compatible MBs first, I checked PCPartpickers here and there are none listed.

Is your Windows 7 the same as what you had on the first computer.
You missed answering this for us but the reason why I asked is because if the licence key has already been used with OEM/builders versions they can only be used the once and are not transferable, cheapest Windows 7 OEM System builders media that I can find is almost $190 from here
Yes it is from before. I have 3 license keys that came with it.. and yes it's an official copy.

970/990 boards work with the CPU. Like ASRock and fatality boards.
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