BSOD on booting up after issues previously occurred .

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PCHF Member
Jun 16, 2020
Hello, I am having issues with my PC.

Mobo: Gigabyte b450m ds3h
Ram: Corsair Vengeance LPX, 3200mhz 16GB
CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 2600
Gpu: Power Color RX580
ADATA SU800 SSD 512GB, and Seagate barracuda 1 TB HDD
Psu: Cooler Master MWE 600W v2 230v
Windows 10

So I am currently having issues with trying to boot up today. What happened is that yesterday I was turning my PC off for the night from the windows start menu and I accidentally hit restart instead of shutdown. I waited for it to restart and when I got into the Lock Screen it wouldn’t let me get to the point to enter my password and therefore I was unable to shut it down. I would press something and it looked like it was going to take me to the password screen but it kept putting me back on the Lock Screen where I could only see the date and time in the bottom left of the screen.

I was forced to hold the power button on my PC and shut it down that way. Well the next day around 18 hours later I tried to boot it up but the same thing as the day before was happening so I forced my PC to shutdown 3 times and tried to go into safe mode but after I tried going in with safe mode my screen was just black with nothing happening, I again closed down my PC. I performed a system restore point to the day before I had any issues as this was the only restore point I had. That apparently went through successfully but it didn’t resolve the issues.

After this I tried to unplug and plug everything internally on my PC and retry but now it just keeps giving me blue screens and attempting to run auto repair which always fails.The error I get on the BSOD is simply: ‘CRITICAL PROCESS DIED’. I can still get into the advanced options and acces things like Command prompt and safe mode. Something else I tried after all of this is to try to restore again but it just says my C: drive needs to have protection. I also cannot reset my PC as it simply says it’s unable to do so.

I would greatly appreciate help. Thank you.
I can still get into the advanced options and acces things like Command prompt

At the command prompt try the below;

1: Enter DISM.exe /Online /Cleanup-image /Restorehealth (note the spaces before each "/"). Press Enter

2: Enter sfc /scannow (note the space between "sfc" and "/"). Press Enter

Gpu: Power Color RX580
Psu: Cooler Master MWE 600W v2 230v

The PSU should not be used with anything more than integrated graphics, known issues are "the Cooler Master MWE V2 White and Bronze units have high ripple issues on very low load also resulting in increased coil whine"
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