BSOD issue past 4 weeks

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Evan Greenwood

PCHF Member
Apr 22, 2022
So, past couple of weeks roughly 4 weeks I kept getting a BSOD error at first it would just freeze for 1 sec and black out my screen then restart the PC all together.
Now the actual BSOD appears and gets to 100% complete and sits there until I shut it down manually via power button. This has happened roughly 25+ times past 4 weeks, and only occurs when I am playing a video game and streaming using OBS. My PC is very high quality and have had it for 3 yrs no issues until just now. I have stress tested my GPU, have tested my CPU and also tested my RAM with all 3 parts coming back with no errors at all.

Here are my Cinebench, Furmark, WhoCrashed, Memtest both passed RAM results, as well as the problem details which every single crash brings me back the EXACT same results via the problem details from "VIEW ALL PROBLEM REPORTS"

Here is my latest mini dump crash-!AuUlLXdi-W5fgSQqWX5ewygIVq5F?e=tjkAXV

Here is my latest Speccy results-

I was working with someone else on another forum thread but they stopped responding and below is what they had me do.
1) I ran verifier to crash my PC it crashed right away and came back with- "Driver Verifier Detected Violation" sent in my Mini dump that came form that-!AuUlLXdi-W5fgSP5Xd_ONIZ_86DI?e=bTmIXr and was told my Razer drivers were causing a problem, we fixed that by reinstalling all 3 razer programs and all drivers to my keyboard, mouse, headset, microphone, speakers, etc. Now Razer caused no issues but still same issue persists via BSOD so the Razer drivers weren't the root cause.
2) So my latest crash I was now told "afd.sys" is the issue, so they had me reinstall my Wifi Drivers and LAN Drivers (which I have done), turn off XMP from my RAM and set it to auto as I had it overclocking above the CPU can handle (that is now fixed), and was then told to do the following-
"You installed Windows 11 on 3/12/2022 but the only two device drivers you appear to have installed are for Intel Bluetooth and your Razer devices, surprised that you haven't had a whole lot more issues.
Install first the MBs chipset drivers, then the Storage/SATA drivers and third the graphics drivers."

My question is my graphics driver just updated itself via Nvidia Geforce today, so that might have been fixed now too I also updated the MB Chipset drivers (Intel) from the MSI website link they gave me only thing I haven't done is the SATA drivers as IDK where they at. Above is my latest mini dump crash and my latest speccy results so if anyone can help me they might see something different or things I have corrected and can guide me to the next step. I do not keep multiple forum posts open, the guy helping me stopped helping days ago so I assume he has given up.

Hope someone can see what is happening, as what concerns me most besides the BSOD crashing is the guy said as stated above my PC didn't update my drivers when I installed Win 11 which is what might be causing the issue and I assume is what he/she was getting me to do.

Thank You, hope to hear from someone soon.
You have started a new thread before I had a chance to reply to your previous one.

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