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PCHF Member
Apr 10, 2023
so yesterday i got a BSOD with error code: DRIVER_UNLOADED_WITHOUT_CANCELLING_PENDING_OPERATIONS, this is the second time this has happened, it happened both times right after i exite a game im playing and these both times was different games, i tried to run a few diagnostics and solution fixes the first time like removing graphics drivers and reinstalling them, doing driver scans to see if any needed update i also tried to run scans with DISM and SFC in CMD, everything seems fine. untill today. ill attach the BlueScreenViewer results from the minidump, for some odd reason WinDbg wont open minidumps on my pc so i have to use BlueScreenView..
PC Specs:
System Information:
CPU: Intel Core i7-12700K (NOT OC)
PSU: FOCUS GX-850, 850W 80+

if any more information is needed let me kno,
screenshot of BlueScreenViewer result of error
about an hour after that my pc decided to just restart with no BSOD:
2nd minidump
screenshot of BlueScreenViewer result of error
CPU: Intel Core i7-12700K (NOT OC)

The RAM is not appropriate for your CPU, Intel state here up to 480000MHz and if you have XMP enabled the RAM will get auto OCd past what the CPU can handle and the PC fall over.

for some odd reason WinDbg wont open minidumps on my pc

That`s not good as we require crash dmps to be uploaded to here as for security reasons it is not wise to go downloading content from unknown sources.

Make sure that small memory dmps are enabled on the computer " how to " here

1. Copy any dmp files from C:\Windows\Minidump onto the desktop.
2. Select all of them, right-click on one, and click on Send To> New Compressed (zipped) Folder.
3. Upload the zip folder using the Attach button, bottom left of the dialogue input box
The RAM is not appropriate for your CPU, Intel state here up to 480000MHz and if you have XMP enabled the RAM will get auto OCd past what the CPU can handle and the PC fall over.

That`s not good as we require crash dmps to be uploaded to here as for security reasons it is not wise to go downloading content from unknown sources.

Make sure that small memory dmps are enabled on the computer " how to " here

1. Copy any dmp files from C:\Windows\Minidump onto the desktop.
2. Select all of them, right-click on one, and click on Send To> New Compressed (zipped) Folder.
3. Upload the zip folder using the Attach button, bottom left of the dialogue input box


Leave as is for now and see if you have any further issues, any more crashes with XMP disabled please keep it disabled and upload any new new dmps for us.
Leave as is for now and see if you have any further issues, any more crashes with XMP disabled please keep it disabled and upload any new new dmps for us.
goit 2 separate blue screens one of the same error code other isn't, they both happen again when exiting a game i was playing... seems like my pc just crashes when ever i exit a certain game.. i just did a DDU wipe on my graphics drivers because after that 2 times i started noticing my desktop icons and task bar keep refreshing / flicker randomly, but even after the DDU i still see it.

Edit to add: External download link removed for security.


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i just did a DDU wipe on my graphics drivers because after that 2 times i started noticing my desktop icons and task bar keep refreshing / flicker randomly, but even after the DDU i still see it.

The issue is nothing to do with your actual system and is all to do with the BattleEye anticheat software which we here can do nothing about, BE are the ones liable for any support so open a ticket with them here

BE is renowned for causing such issues, see BattleEye BSOD plenty of suggestions to be had but if me I would wait on BE in case you end up causing yourself more problems than just the BE one.

If me while waiting on a reply to your BE support request I would avoid playing anything BE dependant to see how things go, this will help twofold, you will know if anything else causes blue screens and more importantly it will reduce your stress levels.
The issue is nothing to do with your actual system and is all to do with the BattleEye anticheat software which we here can do nothing about, BE are the ones liable for any support so open a ticket with them here

BE is renowned for causing such issues, see BattleEye BSOD plenty of suggestions to be had but if me I would wait on BE in case you end up causing yourself more problems than just the BE one.

If me while waiting on a reply to your BE support request I would avoid playing anything BE dependant to see how things go, this will help twofold, you will know if anything else causes blue screens and more importantly it will reduce your stress levels.
okay , do u know why my desktop icons and taskbar is randomly refreshing/flashing all of a sudden..
Sorry for the delay getting back to you.

Is the screen affected at all if you leave the computer sitting in the BIOS.
Sorry for the delay getting back to you.

Is the screen affected at all if you leave the computer sitting in the BIOS.
It's not the screen flickering, it's the desktop icons and icons in the taskbar, they flicker or refresh randomly at times. The screen it self does not flicker it seems fine when playing games or watching videos
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