Broken Keyboard Codes?

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PCHF Member
Nov 21, 2016
My keyboard that has been built in doesn't work anymore.
In device manager, it had said a code 10. But I recently had done a troubleshoot
where it reinstalled the drive. Now it displays a code 12. Anyone know how I can fix my keyboard ?
Have you tried using the keyboard to see if you can access the BIOS and navigate?
This will tell us if there is any response form the keyboard?

Go into the Device Manager and is there anything with a yellow ! or red X next to them?

Have you tried using an external keyboard to see if you can navigate with that till you can get the issue cleared up?

Have also removed the dual post to prevent confusion.
The only problem is, that I don't have an external keyboard, nor can I afford one at the moment. I know that on device manager, there is a yellow warning sign.
The code 12 states there isn't enough resources. So, I was hoping to fix this issue.
Is the keyboard the only one showing the warning?

Have you tried in Device Manage removing the keyboard referance and the reboot and allow windows to rediscover it?
I shall try. Uninstalling right? I will wait, because I don't want to make any permanent problems after I do that.
While in Device Manager right click and select Scan for Hardware Changes.
Reboot that way any changes take affect.

Or if that does not work.

Go back into Device Manager.
Select the Keyboard and press the delete key.
May ask a couple of times are you sure press Yes.
Now it will tell you to reboot tell that yes or reboot.
When the system reboots will find new hardware install and a screen stating that the new hardware is installed and you need to reboot for it to work properly.
Once it has rebooted see if the keyboard works.
Well , I did that. And cant exactly do a system restore because i have 0 restore points. When I go to
Devices and printers, it shows my laptop with a warning sign. Then it shows on status that it needs troubleshooting ,
and that there is a driver error. Everything is the same.
It said that the driver for the keyboard was missing, and that it couldn't find it to install. Ill get a screenshot
Prior to this issue,did you have an virus infection or malware..

EDIT: or any software changes?
Not that I can think of. other than there being an error with power , and then laptop crashing before the reboot.
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