Brand New Laptop Battery Draining, please help.

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Brandon Byrnes

PCHF Member
Jan 3, 2017
I have an HP ProBook 450 G3, it's about 3-4 yrs old. I recently bought a new battery for it becuase I was having a problem with the old battery being completely dead after I let the laptop sit unused for a couple of days (I figured the battery was just degraded after having it for so long). Well now I am having the same exact problem with the brand new battery I just purchased 2 months ago. The battery was fully charged when I put my laptop aside for a couple of weeks, now as i was about to use it I tried to power it on and it does not turn on because the battery is completely dead. At this point it can't be the battery it has to be the laptop that is causing the power drain. I went into control panel>power options and set it to balanced. I also made sure that it was set to turn power off when lid is closed. Intially I had it set to power on when lid is opened but I thought maybe the lid was opening when I put the laptop in my laptop bag and maybe it was turning back on, but that can't be the case anymore. If anyone knows what the heck is going on and can provide me with some insight it would be greatly appreciated because this has me stumped.
there are two sorts of 'new' laptop batteries.

ones that were physically freshly minted at the factory and have new cells inside.
then there are the others, that although they are still wrapped in the original packaging and never been used were actually minted months or years ago. albeit never been used, the cells inside have already started their life cycle and the lithium is oxidising as soon as they are made - used or not.

the battery casing should have a manufactured date stamped on it.

Li-On batteries have a life span of around 2-3 years, after that, their charge hold time drops significantly.
so check your battery's manufactured date, not the purchase date.

but there could also be an issue with the laptop itself.
first up, i'd remove any HP bloatware, especially any sort of battery checking/conditioning software.
Win10 handles that area just fine.
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unfortunately I checked the battery and there isn't a date of manufacture on it. I think the box may have had it on it but I threw that away. As for the HP battery checking software, you are absolutely correct about that and infact I turned it off within the bios right before making this post. I know there is a way to run a battery health report within Windows I think, so would you like me to run that and post the results on here? I also think that report tells you the date of manufacture (I could be wrong about that point)
do you know any history of the battery; like where did you buy it from?
was it sold as "new" or "never used"?

I've never had much trust in battery reports, they tend to just confirm your current suspicions anyway.
will it show the breakdown of programs using the power?
guess you'll have to run it and see if it spits out any useful data.
I purchased it on Amazon. it is listed as 100% new from Manufacturer.

New Replacement RI04 RI06XL Notebook Battery for HP ProBook 450 455 470 G3 Envy 15-Q001TX Laptop Series Fit P/N Spare 805294-001 811063-421 805047-851 P3G15AA HSTNN-DB7B HSTNN-PB6Q -12 Months Warranty

Do you know that you can check the battery using HP diagnostics on boot time?

Just press ESC or F2 and then go from that (usually is in Component Tests).
I still have doubts on the 'freshness' of the cells used inside the battery.
it did come with 12 months warranty, so there's an option if the drain can't be found.

another test would be to only run the laptop on battery but only put in the battery when using the laptop.
if it still drains while not in use, there's your problem.
but even unused, still expect something like 2-5% charge loss per day.
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