Brand new ASUS AIO volume issue?

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PCHF Member
Jul 15, 2022
I'm sorry, I know this is for laptops, but I can't find a section for all in ones and could really do with some help.
I took delivery of an ASUS AIO Vivo V241 on Monday evening, set it up Tuesday and thought it sounded a little quiet, but didn't have time to investigate fully until Thursday evening. With all settings on maximum the sound is fine, so for e.g. watching a You Tube video I have to have it turned to full volume for the speakers, for Chrome and on You Tube itself for a decent sound. Compared to my previous AIO, this is much quieter and of course doesn't give any leeway to turn something up to listen to something at a loud volume. I know that AIO speakers aren't great and don't expect great sound quality, but equally given it cost £730 and none of the reviews mentioned anything about quiet sound I thought there might be something wrong. I downloaded a decibel app and whilst I'm not sure of its accuracy, it consistently gave significantly lower readings for the ASUS when compared to my previous AIO and even my work netbook, where I can't even see the speaker. I called ASUS thinking they might help me check settings or might suggest updating drivers etc, but they were of no help and just brushed me off, saying different computers have different sound levels and wouldn't discuss it any further.
I guess my question is, is it reasonable to have to watch with all settings at full volume or does this suggest an issue?
Thanks in advance.
my Dell 27" monitor which has inbuilt speakers is also very quiet.
just the nature of the beast in this case.

double check your PC sound level AND also your screen sound level - although a AiO, the screen may have buttons to control the sound, brightness, contrast etc.
my Dell 27" monitor which has inbuilt speakers is also very quiet.
just the nature of the beast in this case.

double check your PC sound level AND also your screen sound level - although a AiO, the screen may have buttons to control the sound, brightness, contrast etc.
I'll double check this but I'm pretty sure everything is set as high as it can be. I also have a Lenovo AiO and there is a marked difference in sound levels, which is why I thought there may be a problem. Frustrating to have spent money on something that's worse than my 5 year old model that was significantly cheaper. Thanks for taking the time to respond, it's much appreciated.
while annoying, the good news is good external 2.1 speakers are nice and cheap for a very decent doof-doof sound.
My apologies, I clearly haven't picked up on the etiquette of the forum. I have arranged to return the computer as I'm pretty sure it's not right, especially as when I tried to look at settings on the weekend the speakers made the kind of noise you hear when you turn an amp on, kind of a loud buzzing? I hope that a refund will be processed, but then it's back to the drawing board to look for an alternative. I'll log off now, but if anyone has any suggestions for an AiO, I'd be glad of the advice.
the refund is definitely worth a shot.
are you getting a replacement unit from the same mob, or getting your money and will shop around for another make/model of All in One?

any reason in particular why your heart is set on an AiO, rather than a desktop or laptop?
just curious. :)
I'm hoping for a refund as the customer service hasn't been great, so I'd rather go elsewhere. As for the AiO it's a space/lack of sockets thing. I like a bigger screen and keyboard which is why I'm not keen on a laptop and ironically, thought the sound wouldn't be as good as that on an AiO.
sounds like a plan.(y)
let's close this thread as the problem will go away when the PC does.
feel free to open a new thread if there are any issues with the new rig.

good luck.
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