Bluetooth speaker doesnt show as output device

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nandor farkas

PCHF Member
Dec 19, 2024
Ive been searching for answers on the internet for weeks but nothing seemed to work. My JBL bluetooth speaker one day just didnt play any sound and when i checked, there were no output sound devices shown. So keep in mind that the device connects to my pc with absolutely zero problems, i dont think that the problem is with bluetooth (other devices like my controller works perfectly fine). Tried to connect my speaker with my phone and another laptop and it played sound with no problem both times. In bluetooth and devices, the speaker is shown at the audio tab, but when i go to the sound settings and all sound devices, its not there. When i go to device and printers settings, right click the speaker and go to sound settings there, the speaker is shown as disconnected and nothing happens when i click connect. When i searched for solutions, 1 helped a lot of people, which was turning off hands-free telephony in the properties, services tab of the device, but i dont even have that service. Another solution was downgrading back to win 10, well that didnt help me either, the issue remained still. I tried to be as clear as i could and provide all the screenshots necessary. Anyone who even read my problem, thank you and thanks for any help in advance!
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