Solved Blue Screen Crashes daily

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PCHF Member
Oct 7, 2020
Hi guys,

Over the last few weeks I have had an increasing number of crashes daily while carrying out general PC work. I have had problems with my own build before as you can see from my profile. Im not computer savvy so not sure what I can do to try fix my issues.

Here are my DMP files from most recently 20/02/2021.

I would appreciate if anyone could take the time to help fix my issues.

Thanks in advance:giggle:


While we look at any appropriate crash dmps do the below for us;

If the computer is a desktop can you post the brand and model name or number of the power supply (PSU).

Download then run Speccy (free) and post the resultant url for us, details here, this will provide us with information about your computer hardware + any software that you have installed that may explain the present issue/s.

To publish a Speccy profile to the Web:

In Speccy, click File, and then click Publish Snapshot.

In the Publish Snapshot dialog box, click Yes to enable Speccy to proceed.

Speccy publishes the profile and displays a second Publish Snapshot. You can open the URL in your default browser, copy it to the clipboard, or close the dialog box.
You have a mixed bag of problems highlighted but I suspect that they are all being caused by the same thing, the SSD that you have Windows installed on is too small capacity wise and as a result you are below the threshold that Windows needs to be able to function properly;

Partition 1
Partition ID: Disk #1, Partition #1
Disk Letter: C:
File System: NTFS
Volume Serial Number: 9E08993F
Size: 118 GB
Used Space: 112 GB (95%)
Free Space: 5.92 GB (5%)

For Windows to be able to run efficiently and to be able to update, on a mechanical HDD you need to have between 20 and 25% of the partition or drive available as free storage space at all times and on an SSD between 10 and 20%, if you don`t you risk Windows becoming corrupt or not being able to update which also puts you at risk of malware attack.

Data only storage devices should not be allowed to get any lower than 10% of free storage space of the full capacity of the drive/partition on the drive, this also to avoid data corruption.

Please note that storage devices can physically fail if the amount of free storage space is allowed to drop below the required 10 or 20/25% minimum.

Is there anything on the C: drive that can be gotten rid of, you need about 15% free minimum so you can try getting Windows fully up to date.
I had a piece of software i use for UNI installed there that is about 50GB, Just started to copy that over to my other drive to free up space

I now have between 20-25% free on my SSD, what should I do now?
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you need about 15% free minimum so you can try getting Windows fully up to date.

Get Windows fully up to date then post a new Speccy url for us, if you happen to get any further BSOD after Windows is fully up to date can you also upload just those dmps for us as well.

Unless urgent can I ask that you do not post more than one reply at a time, thanks.
One of your previously failed Nvidea updates has now been able to install so that is a good sign.

Go to your Windows update history in Settings, if you see KB4023057 installed there you have confirmed that Windows 10 is fully up to date.
I checked my update history yesterday and saw that code.

Just had a crash however, i've attatched the minidump file from that crash.


No driver is flagged as the cause of the crash but mentioned in the Bugcheck is kernel auto boost lock with raised irql.

A faulty CPU, wireless or BlueTooth devices can cause such a Bugcheck, you don`t have any BT devices that we can see so that leaves the CPU and wireless device.

If you are overclocking stop.

The wireless device looks to be the USB type, if yes, make sure that you have the driver disk or the drivers saved to the desktop, remove the wireless device from the PC.

Create a new system restore point.

Uninstall the drivers for the Realtek 8811CU Wireless LAN 802.11ac USB NIC device.

Restart the computer, test for an hour or so and if no problems put the wireless USB device in one of the black USB 2.0 ports and see if Windows loads generic drivers for the device, if yes, again test the PC for an hour or so an see how the PC behaves, if no, manually install the drivers yourself and test.
No driver again and nothing to do with the previous problem, this time the error was Attempted Write to Readonly Memory.

Can I just mention that when asking for help on forums it helps us to help you if you actually provide some information about what actually happened.

What was the computer being used for.

How long had the computer been on.

What happened, BSOD with Stop code etc
Sorry about not including the relevant information.

Id say 9/10 times I have a crash I am only using youtube/spotify playing or the PC is just sitting idle with me not doing anything. I've also had crashes when using a piece of software called ANSYS Mechanical. I have a few issues with spotify sometimes like it closing itself down or the song tripping for a few seconds then the PC crashing.

In relation to how long the PC has been on for, I have had crashes after a few minutes and a few hours. I never usually have it on longer than 10 hours a day.

The most recent crash had these details taken from the reliability panel. I was just scrolling through google at the time it happened. Never managed to note down the stop code. With crashes in the future I will make sure to note down all the relevant info, sorry about that again.



Only interested in the latest crash tbh and reason being the cause of Attempted Write to Readonly Memory errors can be Windows or hardware related, knowing what the computer was being used for may give us a clue as to what to check first, Windows, the RAM or the storage device that Windows is installed on.
Had a crash at 10:30am this morning whilst using ANSYS software, Opera and Spotify and the stop code was Kernal_Security_Check_failure.

Had an identical crash to that at 11:30 am with the same stop code. Then about 10 minutes later another crash while carrying out the same tasks but with the stop code Kmode_exception_not_handled.

I've attached the 3 dump files.

Sorry to be a pain but I really appreciate you giving your time to help me out.


ANSYS was involved in two of the three crashes and Spotify in one, Opera does not get a mention.

Two of the dmps mention a security risk, can I ask from where you got the ANSYS program.
Never come across the program before so used Google, is what you have a trial version, the software is rather expensive to purchase looking here
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