Black Screen of Death (I think)

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PCHF Member
Aug 4, 2021
Posting in Windows 10 because it happened during a Windows 10 update.

My Windows 10 update took place and did a restart, during which while it was turning back on, it just came to a black screen, no Windows loading screen, nothing at all. I was also trying to do a Graphics driver update from the official website at the same time... and yes I know better than to do that, the Windows update happened on it's own before I got a chance to notice it was about to restart on me.

So the issue seems to be that during the restart process, the Windows update and the video card driver update were stuck and the PC didn't ever load up correctly.

I have tried taking out the graphics card and using the on board video, doesn't work (guessing the PC wants the graphics card still)
Tried to get into Safe Mode, can't do it as the menu doesn't come up during boot
Restarted the PC by unplugging, holding down the power button a few times, and yet nothing triggers the PC to go into a safe mode or restore mode, nothing happens.
The PC DOES power on, the lights come on, the HD runs, the fans all start up, but nothing goes to the display. I have also noticed the Keyboard does not light up, so it's stopping at some point before Windows tries to load.

I don't have another PC to try anything on, I'm using a laptop right now, and have my cell phone, those are my only other ways to get online.

Not sure what to do at this point. It's a $1300+ PC (gaming rig)
About 14 months old
Never had any other issues.

I have a USB start up stick and a CDRom, but the PC won't boot either.

Very lost on what else to try at this point :(
Is the PC ignoring the USB media or is it booting from this but still no screen?
Can you boot into the BIOS?
Is the USB startup Windows installation media or boot media created from the Windows backup & restore feature or something else?
I would download Macrium Reflect, create their boot media & see if the PC can boot from this, if so then use their ‘fix boot problems‘ feature.
When booting from USB try rapidly clicking F7 or F12 or whichever key is recommended by your PC manufacturer.
Complete system specs including make and model plus the Power supply unit.

Tried to get into Safe Mode, can't do it as the menu doesn't come up during boot
Just to clarify that from normal mode you can not access safe mode and or getting nothing at all.


Check to make sure that the power connectors are all connected properly.

Is there a power indicator on the system?
Flashing? Color?

Does anything come up on the screen?

Any beeping sounds?

Since you re added the display card you did reconnect the display back to it and the power connections?
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