Solved Black screen, no BIOS, no Safe Mode after updating Nvidia drivers...

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PCHF Member
May 4, 2022
I got a good one for you legends out there...
So, there was an Nvidia drivers update. At some point during the update, the screen went black like it usually does for a couple seconds but this time the image never came back.
The screen stayed black for like 10 minutes until I pressed ctrl alt delete which restarted the computer right away for some reason.
Now when I start the computer, the TUF logo appears then it goes black and I can't do anything, I can't even access BIOS and I can't boot it in safe mode no matter what...
I've tried taking the graphics card out and plugging the HDMI cable straight into the MB hoping I could get to the BIOS or safe mode but it didn't even make it to the TUF logo, the screen just stayed black.
I tried booting it with a Windows USB media plugged in but it didn't do anything, unfortunately.
I thought that the boot priority was probably set to my SSD and I can't change the priority without accessing BIOS.
So I tried taking the SSD out and just leave the HDD plugged in with the Windows USB media, still black screen, it didn't matter if I plugged the HDMI cable into the card or straight into the MB, it would still give me a black screen right away.
Any ideas ? I'm kinda desperate at this point tbh, I can't do anything anymore...

CPU : i5-9600KF
GPU: 1660ti
Motherboard: TUF B365-M Plus Gaming
OS: Window 10
can you access they system through safe mode to uninstall the updates?

where did you and what told you to update?
basically what program told you to and why did you?

another thing that you might try that may work is if the motherboard has built on display adn remove the card so you can access the system to undo the drivers using DDU.

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can you access they system through safe mode to uninstall the updates?

where did you and what told you to update?
basically what program told you to and why did you?

another thing that you might try that may work is if the motherboard has built on display adn remove the card so you can access the system to undo the drivers using DDU.

That was my initial plan but I can't even access safe mode. I tried holding the power button down to turn off my device a couple times in a row hoping it would initiate it but nope. I boot the PC, I see the TUF logo for 2 seconds then it goes black, I don't even make it to the Windows watermark. And even if I spam F2 or delete it doesn't get me to the BIOS.

I got the update notification through GeForce Experience, it was a regular Nvidia drivers update like I did a dozen times already, nothing out of the ordinary there.
I tried removing the card and plug the monitor straight into the MB's HDMI or Display Port but then it wouldn't even show the TUF logo, the screen would just stay black no matter what...
Someone suggested me to take the CMOS battery out of the motherboard and wait 30 minutes before powering it back up. I might try that when I get home because so far nothing seems to work :/
t didn't matter if I plugged the HDMI cable into the card or straight into the MB, it would still give me a black screen right away.

The i5-9600KF CPU does not have on die video so you will not get any video from the ports on the MB.
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The i5-9600KF CPU does not have on die video so you will not get any video from the ports on the MB.
Good to know, thanks for replying ! So I'm basically like stuck in a loop ? I can't get an image without plugging the monitor into the card but if the card is plugged in then my system tries to boot with corrupted drivers so I don't have an image anyway...what a mess xD
Do you think plugging my old card instead could work ?
I got the update notification through GeForce Experience, it was a regular Nvidia drivers update like I did a dozen times already, nothing out of the ordinary there.
Just because there is an update does not always mean that you should unless it fixes a specific issue that you are having.

When doing the CMOS battery will need to discharge the system.

Thanks for the catch @phillpower2

Edited: Plugging in the old card may get you there.
Just because there is an update does not always mean that you should unless it fixes a specific issue that you are having.

When doing the CMOS battery will need to discharge the system.

Thanks for the catch @phillpower2

Edited: Plugging in the old card may get you there.
Alright so I'll try to plug in the old card when I get home tonight and if it doesn't work I'll try discharging the system and taking out the CMOS battery.
I'll keep you updated. Thank you for your time.
Just because there is an update does not always mean that you should unless it fixes a specific issue that you are having.

When doing the CMOS battery will need to discharge the system.

Thanks for the catch @phillpower2

Edited: Plugging in the old card may get you there.
It worked !! Taking the CMOS battery out to reset the MB was the way to go. I took it out, waited 30 minutes then powered it up, I was able to get to the BIOS and change boot priority to be able to boot with Windows media in case I had to go that route but I didn't even need to do that because I got back into Windows as soon as I exited the BIOS. I tested everything, started some games, works like a charm. So the Nvidia update seemed to have messed with my motherboard and resetting it was all I needed. Thanks again for your time ! 😁
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