Android 6.0 Can't Seem to Access Google Play Services Settings

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Samsung or Google UI?

For Samsung, you can go to Settings > Apps > 3 dots > Show System Apps. Google Play services is there (just checked on my phone). For Google, it should be similar steps.
Do you have the icon on your screen? Google play has been updating a lot here lately.. If the icon is on your screen you could click that and go MY apps & settings and see if it will force an update..
As far as I know, there are no settings for it in 6.0. You can't downgrade, but you can clear the data.

In Settings > Apps > Google Play services > Storage, I can Clear Cache. I can also Manage Storage, which lets me individually clear search data, wearable storage, or clear all data.
I'm sorry I wasn't looking hard enough. Google moved the GP Services Settings to the Device settings.
"Google" is where the GP Services Settings is @.
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