Solved AIO Fans as Intake or Exhaust?

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Brandon Byrnes

PCHF Member
Jan 3, 2017
In the next couple weeks I am planning on upgrading from an air cooler to a AIO for my CPU ( I am also upgrading from a 1660 Ti to a RTX 2060 KO Ultra). I am planning on mounting the radiator on the top of my case, at this point I'm not sure if i'm going to get a smaller AIO with just one 120mm fan, or a larger 240mm with two 120mm fans, either way it's going to go on the top of my case. My question is, should I have it set as intake or exhaust.? My current setup is three 120mm fans up front as intake, two 120mm fans up top as exhaust, and one 120mm fan at the back as exhaust. I was thinking of configuriong it as exhaust becuase if I do intake then the only exhaust I will have is the one 120mm fan at the back. Although if I get the AIO with only One 120mm fan I could do that as intake and keep one fan at the top as exhaust. I've done a bunch of research and it seems like it's half and half so i'm not sure.
Ryzen 5 3600 OCed to 4.1Ghz
GPU: GTX 1660TI ( I am upgrading this to a EVGA RTX 2060 KO Ultra)
MOBO: MSI B450 Gaming Plus Max
PSU: Rosewill 550W Photon Gold Plus
Case: Corsair 275R Airflow (so It provides GREAT airflow)
alright guys Thanks I appreciate it it. I think I will set it up as exhaust. Plus every picture I see online that has them placed up top it is set as exhaust. I consider this solved, appreciate the help.
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