Acer Aspire 5611 running Windows XP

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PCHF Member
Nov 12, 2020
I have malware which is not picked up by the installed Malwarebytes. If I try to download alternative antivirus I am blocked, even in safe mode. If I download on my PC and transfer to by USB stick to the laptop even though I have renamed e.g. "VW Golf" and still in safe mode the virus knows what the download contains and again blocks me by refusing to allow me to open.

Can anyone help with this issue, please?
Thanks for your interest. I would love to get the Acer laptop working again even though it is running on XP which is now dated but always suited my needs.
Unfortunately FRST does not work on XP.

It sounds like your best bet, if you wish to continue to use XP though PCHF advises against it due to security risks, is to re-install Windows XP from a disc or flash drive if the PC can boot from USB.
Unfortunately FRST does not work on XP.

It sounds like your best bet, if you wish to continue to use XP though PCHF advises against it due to security risks, is to re-install Windows XP from a disc or flash drive if the PC can boot from USB.
Thanks for your reply. I acknowledge the risks of using XP and accept them. How do I go about re-installing from a disc which I have. The virus seems to anticipate my moves and blocks me
You'll need to boot to the DVD/CD drive before it loads the OS. You should be able to press F9 or the corresponding Fn key to get the Boot Menu. From there you can boot to the CD/DVD drive.
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