Solved 2 Black screens after windows update

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PCHF Member
Jul 13, 2017
yesterday when i was turning off my pc, windows installed some update. Today, i started my pc, and both my monitors are black, with a cursor. When my account is login in, i see background image like normal, but then monitors turns black. I can move cursor, i can even bring up Task manager with Ctrl+Shift+Esc a drag him on both monitors, but nothing else. Main monitor is connected to GTX 960, second one is on integrated intel HD graphics. If i try boot safe mode, it runs fine on the main monitor (second is completely disconnected). I have tried to reinstal drivers, did nothing. Anyone can help me?
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  • Might just be best to restore the system to a couple of days ago, prior to the updates.
  • Here are some instructions on system restore if you are unaware of it's use.
  • Perform a system restore
If the system restore fails, then please post the following logs so I can get an idea of what is going on with your system.

You may need to download this via safe mode with networking.

MiniToolBox Scan

Please download MINITOOLBOX and run it.

Checkmark following boxes:

Flush DNS
Reset FF proxy Settings
Reset Ie Proxy Settings
Report IE Proxy Settings
Report FF Proxy Settings
List content of Hosts
List IP configuration
List Winsock Entries
List last 10 Event Viewer log
List Installed Programs
List Users, Partitions and Memory size
List Devices (problems only)

Click Go post the result.

i can even bring up Task manager with Ctrl+Shift+Esc a drag him on both monitors

If you open task manager can you select:

New Task: (Run...)
Then type explorer.exe and then hit enter.


Does typing explorer.exe and hitting enter; bring up your desktop?
i am not home right now, i will post logs later, but i tried explorer.exe thing earlier and it did nothing...
Ok, when you get home then try the system restore first, then if that fails try and get me the logs. Even if the system restore works we should still have a look at the MTB log to see if there are any issues that need to be addressed, so that this does not happen again. :thumbsup:
Tried to restore, but it failed. here is log

edit: i deleted the log becouse of privacy
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so little update here, i found out something in Device manager called "amda00". Since i didnt see that there before, i checkced it on the internet and found out, that this thing is causing a lot of problems and noone knows what it actually does. Simple trick is just removing it from pc. I uninstalled it, restarted PC a voala everything is fine now :). But thanks for fast response anyway :)
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