windows 11 pro

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  1. N

    Hard drive works but is not detected through SATA

    I recently built a computer to slowly upgrade (specs listed below) and I want some more storage. I have an SSD on the way, but for now I'm booting off a 1TB Samsung Spinpoint (2.5 in, 7200 rpm) drive removed from an old external hard drive case. It works better than expected; I unplugged the...
  2. A

    Windows 11 Boot Issues

    I am having issues booting into Windows 11 (see video). After the loading (circle) screen that shows up after the "to enter bios' screen, the display cuts off. Things I have already tried: Fresh installation of Windows 11 Resetting BIOS (CLRTC) Switching SATA cables One thing I noticed is...
  3. B

    Triple A games always crash

    since i got my new pc any games that are almost strong as triple a games for example ready or not, call of duty, monster hunter world and hell divers 2 these are the games that have been crashing. But any games that don't take a toll on the pc works perfectly for example league of legends and...
  4. J

    Solved New PC Build shutting down intermittently and freezes while trying to download game

    Hi, I recently built a gaming PC for my son and I'm having issues with a couple of things: 1. It's freezing while installing Fortnite. It first freezes at about 11%. If I shut down and restart it will eventually get to about 70% and freeze. 70% is about the most it will download. 2. I noticed...
  5. B

    Solved Bluetooth Suddenly Disappeared and Bluetooth Devices Don't Work

    Yes, another bluetooth issue for me. I was typing a YouTube comment when suddenly my bluetooth keyboard started wigging out and just continuously started typing the letter e and would not stop even when I turned the keyboard off. Then suddenly the connection LED on my keyboard and mouse started...
  6. R

    BSOD 1 Week old custom PC

    I built my first PC last week, everything was working perfectly fine up until last night. I launched Call of Duty, left the room and when I returned the computer had a bluescreen error. I kept trying to get windows to boot but the errors would not go away. There was multiple errors that popped...
  7. B

    Solved Cloning M.2 drive to Another M.2 drive Using Macrium?

    I am planning on moving my OS to a larger capacity m.2 nvme drive. It is currently on a m.2 nvme drive. I have a m.2 drive external enclosure which I plan on using. I haven't used Macrium in a long time to clone a drive so I can't remember what the process was, but is it possible to clone my OS...
  8. E

    "no signal" on second monitor after windows update

    Dear ICT friends, Since installing Windows 11 Pro, I've had trouble with detecting my second monitor. Until recently it succeeded via the following method: Reset driver to old program and then reset to new program again. After the reset (new driver --> old driver --> new driver) my second...