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  • Hello everyone We want to personally apologize to everyone for the downtime that we've experienced. We are working to get everything back up as quickly as possible. Due to the issues we've had, your password will need to be reset. Please click the button that says "Forgot Your Password" and change it. We are working to have things back to normal. Emails are fixed and should now send properly. Thank you all for your patience. Thanks, PCHF Management
  1. D

    Conversation Windows cmd.exe transferring files on its own

    Hi All! I'm having some (potential) issues. I added AdBlocker Extension to chrome that ended up having a lot of bloatware on it and ultimately not doing what it was advertising. So I got rid of it and the other unwanted extensions it added by itself (including, which took over not...
  2. D

    Installing programs on new ssd

    So my ssd was faulty, but luckily I was able to transfer all the files (literally copied and pasted) to my hdd. They're just sitting in a folder on my data drive at the moment and I have a new ssd installed. Is there a way to restore the settings and programs to how they were before the swap as...
  3. B

    Solved Problem Transferring files

    I am trying to transfer files from a thumb-drive to my phone using a Windows 7 PC, well it seems to be going alright and then it just hangs at like 10 seconds left of the transfer and i eventually have to cancel the transfer, but then sometimes after canceling the transfer it shows that the file...