shut down

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  1. T

    Speakers make sound rigth after pc shut down

    I've had my pc for over 5 years with the following specs: cpu: intel i7-4970k gpu: gigabyte gtx960 4gb motherboard: Gigabyte GA-Z97X-GAMING 5 ram: fury hyperx 8gb sound card: creative sound blaster zxr I recently replaced my gpu with a Gigabyte 2070 super and my psu with a Gigabyte P750GM...
  2. Lesh

    My PC shuts down and won't turn back on for a day or so

    Hello there. I have encountered a weird problem with my PC (at least to me, who has low knowledge of how PCs actually work). I will describer the problem first: Twice now, during the PC usage, it has completely shut down. No BSD. Just shuts off. And it won't turn back on. After a day or so of...
  3. theploofyness

    Solved Shut downs

    So i was originally gonna call it "Random shut downs" but i have sort of found a pattern and don't really know what to do with that information. So my PC likes to completely shut down under certain conditions. 1. I have a vape i like to plug into the USB 3.0 port on the case to charge it...
  4. snask

    Solved My crash on factory reset.

    My pc is having some huge issues with performance, and i tried to factory reset to fix these problems. I've had problems with crashes on factory resets in the past, but this one is not like the others. Today, i tried to factory reset it, but it crashed after like 1-2 min, and after the crash, it...