screen pixels

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  1. A

    Solved Black Dead pixel like mark on Laptop

    Hey, I recently noticed this black like mark on my laptop which is Ideapad gaming 315ARH05 Ryzen 7 Gaming Laptop which has an IPS display can someone please help identify the issue and tell the ways to fix this please i tried cleaning it but it doesn't come off
  2. K24Y

    Laptop crashing

    Hi guys, my laptop started crashing all of a sudden in the middle of the game, it's often a combo of blues creen and a random squeaky sound or a flickering mash of pixels with the same noises, any ideas what it could be? It's a hp laptop with a i5 gen 8 btw
  3. Donny Pueblo

    Solved Line of stuck or dead pixels?

    ok so in the above image, theres a line of pixels on my laptop screen (lenovo legion 5) that i think are stuck? but it looks more like a light leak. i dont know how else to describe it but can someone please help me fix it. its getting more noticeable each day. it doesnt show up when my laptop...
  4. E

    Virtually scaling display resolution

    Hey im new here and this is probably in the wrong section so im already apologizing in advance :) So i currently got a problem regarding a virtualization server running on windows 10 for my company.. I know there are better solutions but everything works and has the right settings so a change...
  5. Dominic12

    Is my PC bad for streams?

    Hello, sory for my English at first. I write this post beacuse i cant set up my stream that he will looking good. When im moving, pixels are annyoing. When im looking at other streams, they have less pixels than me and they have better quality. Im wonder that my PC is really bad for streams in...
  6. A

    Screen problem with DisplayPort cable

    Hey, recently I have a problem with (probably) my DisplayPort cable: I just switched from working, good HDMI cable to DisplayPort cable, and since I have switched it, everytime I open my computer it shows me some sort of spread, smeared pixels all over my monitor, but by the time goes on the...