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  1. WD-40

    Solved PSU fan hasn't been spinning for a long long time.

    Hi everyone. I recently discovered that some piece of plastic was stopping my psu fan from spinning. I have no idea since when. Could've been from months to even years and I can't afford a new psu currently. I just pulled the plastic and it started spinning right back up. I never noticed any...
  2. A

    PC Overheating Despite AIO Appearing as Working

    Hello My PC used to work fine a few months ago, but recently I moved and when I unpacked my setup, the desktop suddenly does not work properly. It boots fine and loads up the home screen as it should except now it makes a loud noise which I am 90% sure is coming from the AIO CPU Block. On top...
  3. S

    Solved CPU Overheating Issues on only one game

    I'm having CPU overheating issues on Fortnite/ CS-GO/Valorant, but don't have problems on games like Warzone, or GTA. These are the only two games I'm having overheating issues with & I'm unsure how to fix it. My idol temps are 33 degrees (Celsius) but when I launch up Fortnite they will...