not charging

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  1. TillyWilly

    Laptop not charging & now not turning on at all

    Hello! I have a Lenovo Yoga Slim 7x which is almost always plugged in on my desk. A few days ago I took it downstairs, unplugged, to do some work. When it got down to about 40% I took it back upstairs, put it on charge, and went about my day. Later on, when I went back upstairs, I realised it...
  2. D

    HP Pavilion - new Battery doesn't charge

    Hey, so I forgot to turn off my Laptop (HP Pavilion 15-eg0355ng) overnight and it completely discharged the battery. That happened before but I could just plug the AC adapter in, let it charge for a minute and then just turn it on normaly. This time that didn't work. when I connected the AC...