monitor no signal

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  1. A

    Monitor loses signal and only way to fix is to restart

    My monitor has been going off on 3 specific games for a month now, 2 of which are very light. The message that shows up is "lost signal" and it disappears after 2 seconds, the only way to fix it is to turn off the pc and turn it on again. Sometimes it can be fixed by holding a button on the...
  2. mayannaised

    Issues w/ ram and monitor “no signal”

    I’m having issues with my PC only booting when I put in one stick of ram, if I put in two it stays on a solid orange light. I switched them around as much as possible and it only boots with one. Even when it does boot there still no monitor signal. I have reinserted / cleaned my ram and GPU more...
  3. Dewhurst

    Solved ViewSonic "Monitor No Signal" after installing Kingston 1TB SSD?

    This happened yesterday for some reason after installing an internal 1TB SSD and cleaning it with an air spray. For a day, I can't find a definitive answer for it. My PC's fine and all, it has a display problem I can't figure out right. Before this, I too had some problems with my monitor...