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  1. Jerome Yankee

    Solved Will I need a Second Modem for the new desktop or can this be done with a Router and Ethernet Cable?

    Hi Everyone: Hope you can give me some insight on the setup for a new computer coming for a work at home job. I am sorry for the lack of knowledge. Currently the house has 2 computers both laptops. The router/modem is in Room 1. A new computer is being sent (desktop for a work at home...
  2. CluelessNinja

    Need Some Dell Dimension E521 Setup Help

    Hello Gang, Nice to meet you all! Here is my story...I am currently trying to get my old Dell Dimension E521 up and running again and I am having some trouble...First off, I just replaced my power source completely from the stock it came with to a brand new one I purchased on Ebay ( It's a KDM)...