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  1. Simone Rinfresca

    Pending OP Response Download speed

    i installed a new internet connection with FWA and it worked pretty well for like 2 months. Then download speed dropped from 140+ mbps to 20. But somehow it's my pc's problem cause when i speed test on my phone i reach more than 100 mbps. I also tried to do a speed test on my pc with both my...
  2. R

    PC Internet connection problem

    When im using my pc, if i for long time not use internet, it will just dissapear, and when pass 5-10 min internet will dissapear fully( from router too)
  3. Tonic winner6470

    No Internet Access but still browsing

    I recently ran into a problem with my Acer A135-53 with Windows 10, it suddenly showed my Wi-fi connection as not accessible and Secured but I was still able to browse. Since the No Access problem can't allow me to download stuff or play Multiplayer games I searched for a fix but to no avail as...
  4. M

    Internet connection is super spotty

    Hi guys, this is my first post on the forum :thumbsup: I've recently encountered an issue on my PC where my internet will completely disconnect for no real reason and then whenever I try to sign back in it states, "Some information has changed since you last connected, please enter your network...
  5. M

    Solved I can surf the internet, but cant connect to any game servers.

    It just happened to me I can use the internet but I can't connect to any game servers I've been trying to fix the problem for a day now I've also encountered a similar problem that is solved but the solution didn't work for me so I really don't know what to do