hp omen

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  1. D

    In Progress Odd problem concerning laptop, gaming and an HDMI cable. Please help me solve this

    This is an odd issue. I'm not really sure what is causing it, but I do know what is fixing it, and I know what the problem is. So, I guess I will start there... I use an HP Omen laptop for gaming on my TV in my bedroom. The laptop has Win 11, 32 GB RAM, 13th gen i7, and an RTX 4070. I have this...
  2. A

    Monitor turns off at random intervalls

    The monitor on my recently purchased HP Omen 25L computer randomly goes black, and I've encountered some issues. I have a 4060Ti, i7 13700F, and 16GB RAM, and my power supply is 600W. From the first time I turnd it on, the monitor turns black for a few seconds, and after pressing some buttons on...