hp laptop

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  1. Reg Mainville

    Solved Windows 10 HP 840 G3 Touchscreen Problem

    Hello everybody, i own a HP 840 G3 laptop running windows 10 that have the touchscreen function. The touchscreen is working, my only problem is that every time i scroll at the end when i lift my finger my computer consider that I'm clicking. So Far i tried updating my drivers, turning it of in...
  2. L

    unable to erase ssd for fresh windows install

    I recently purchased a new hp laptop that came with samsung ssd(mzvlq512hblu-00bh1) but I am unable to erase the drive using samsung magician software ,is there any other alternative to erase the drive or get samsung magician working ?
  3. P

    thread_prefix.5 Laptop not turning on

    I have a hp 840 elite book. It's refurbished, couldn't tell you what year it is, ( the laptop I mean) but I got it in 2019. I have replaced the battery twice, the first time because it wasn't charging and retaining the charge, the second time being I couldn't take the charger off the laptop or...
  4. Andre

    update HP PAVILION laptop?

    I got this laptop less than a year ago and it always slow despite what's running It is HP Pavillion Laptop 14-ce2xxx Product number 6ME71UA#ABA I don't know if it is worth it to upgrade the hard drive or get a new laptop?
  5. A

    HP Pavillion 15; Serious Battery Issue.

    Hey Everyone! I am just gonna drop straight into the problem. I have my laptop [ HP PAVILLION 15 AU-100NX ] for about 3.5 years now and it has this issue with battery which keeps annoying me and has costed me alot of money. I use softwares like Proteus, PTC Creo, SolidWorks, MatLab etc. and also...
  6. K

    Solved No Audio on HP Compaq NX7010 [Need Help Troubleshooting]

    Hello everyone, I would like to ask something regarding an issue that I haven't got any experience with. First let me give out a little back story This is a 15 year old laptop that I bought used for 20 Euros, don't judge me because its the max I can spend, given my budget in this state of the...
  7. miqi222

    Can’t start laptop.

    So I was updating my device drivers using an app on steam and had it automatically restart my computer. I was downloading a game while it restarted. When it restarted, there was a message saying that my computer will be restarted and gave me the error code : SYSTEM_THREAD_EXCEPTION_NOT_HANDLED...