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  • Hello everyone We want to personally apologize to everyone for the downtime that we've experienced. We are working to get everything back up as quickly as possible. Due to the issues we've had, your password will need to be reset. Please click the button that says "Forgot Your Password" and change it. We are working to have things back to normal. Emails are fixed and should now send properly. Thank you all for your patience. Thanks, PCHF Management
  1. K24Y

    Laptop crashing

    Hi guys, my laptop started crashing all of a sudden in the middle of the game, it's often a combo of blues creen and a random squeaky sound or a flickering mash of pixels with the same noises, any ideas what it could be? It's a hp laptop with a i5 gen 8 btw
  2. A

    Solved Stop printing unwanted copies

    Dear community, I posted this question already at https://h30434.www3.hp.com/t5/Printer-Setup-Software-Drivers/Stop-printing-unwanted-copies/m-p/8432272, but posters there don’t know how to resolve the issue. The printer is a HP LaserJet 1022n on a Ryzen 5 Windows 10 PC. I reinstalled my...
  3. L

    unable to erase ssd for fresh windows install

    I recently purchased a new hp laptop that came with samsung ssd(mzvlq512hblu-00bh1) but I am unable to erase the drive using samsung magician software ,is there any other alternative to erase the drive or get samsung magician working ?
  4. J

    Touch Screen Replacement Issue

    I had recently replaced a screen for a client and once all fitted and put back together I noticed that the screen display was off center and there was a large part of the screen with to the right that I felt should have been there. I have checked all the driver features and HPs own graphics...