gpu fans

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  1. H

    I suspect a problem with my GPU, but im really unsure what's the cause

    I hope this format is okay im not sure anymore how i structured my last Post. Specs: Speccy : RAM: GSkill Aegis DDR4 16GB (2 of these) Mainboard: Gigabyte A320M-S2H V2 CPU: AMD Ryzen 7 GPU: Nvidea Geforce GTX 3060 PSU: RM550x v2 550W...
  2. D

    Single GPU fan spinning up and down at idle

    Hi all I recently purchased an RTX 3070 eagle OC and performance wise there have been no problems, however I have noticed that occasionally the closest to the gpu bracket on the gpu will spin up and down repeatedly almost like it was boot cycling which creates an annoying noise. I have no idea...
  3. ThatGuyCrOwn

    GPU Fan Issue

    Hey guys, so two nights ago my GPU fans started acting weird for absolutely no reason in the middle of a CSGO match; there's 3 fans on it, it's a 3060ti. The right fan has continued as normal, spinning up when needed, low or no spin when idling, but the middle fan as soon as I turn on a game or...
  4. GK Geørge

    Gt 630 2gb synergy edition cooler fan broken

    Hello i have Gt 630 2gb synergy edition and cooler fan on it is broken, is there any site where i can but this specific part? thanks.
  5. Toby_K

    Black Screen, GPU fans at 100%, happens even if on desktop

    Pc stats: EVGA GTX1060 3GB Intel i5-4570 4x2 GB DDR3 RAM 320w PSU Hello, my PC has recently started to run into the blackscreen-fans-in-helicopter-mode issue. A few months ago it only happened when I played demanding games on max settings (even tho it wasn't an issue for the GPU, it was...
  6. L

    Solved Fan getting stuck and turning slower

    Link to show the problem: One of the two fans is suddenly turning slower than the other, and seems to be obstructed by something, though I can’t figure out what it could be. Does anyone have any ideas for how to fix this?
  7. H

    One GPU fan just "wiggles" but doens't run

    Hello everyone, as the title says one of the fans of my KFA2 GTX 1080 GPU doesn't start. It just does a little "wiggle" and stops for a few seconds, and then "wiggles" again. Here is a little GIF of the card: (also as an attached file) Tested a few things in the last two days and it sometimes...
  8. N

    GPU Problem

    Hey everyone! I've had a problem that i'm quite sure is the GPU itself, and 'im undecided whether it's the fans causing trouble or not. I have 3 fans on my GPU , and the ones on the right and the left do seem to be slower. Plus they make some sort of flickering noise at around 50% fan speed. I...