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  1. Simone Rinfresca

    Pending OP Response Download speed

    i installed a new internet connection with FWA and it worked pretty well for like 2 months. Then download speed dropped from 140+ mbps to 20. But somehow it's my pc's problem cause when i speed test on my phone i reach more than 100 mbps. I also tried to do a speed test on my pc with both my...
  2. georgewashington

    Game Download Help - NHL 2003

    Hey, I hope that you are doing well. I recently found NHL 2003 on disc, and bought a USB disc/CD drive to be able to play it (among other games aswell). When I try to download the game, it starts to download the files, but pauses around 80% on a file titled 'audpbpe.big' and essentially...
  3. K

    Steam Download Speed

    I know that Steam compresses files and part of the issue with download speeds is the decompression by my PC. My downloads top out at about 11mbps when I have 200+ on WiFi according to Ookla Speedtest. I plugged my PC into the ethernet cable directly and my download speed dropped to 5 mbps on...
  4. Mandeep Sheera

    Solved New Ethernet cabling installed at home - download speeds slower than upload speeds

    Hello everyone. First time user from the UK on this forum. I'm looking for some answers to my issue as described in the title of my post. I've just had brand, new Ethernet cabling (CAT 6) installed in my house today. It all looks fine but I don't know if the installer has done things...
  5. DJVOX

    Steam won't install anything

    Ok so as the title says when i download my games on steam it never finishes them. I had this problem before but i was always able to fix them quickly by either clearing my download cache or verifying the game files. This time however, I've tried to install four games and all of them stopped...
  6. E

    Cant download video!

    Wondering if you guys could help... I have this video I want to download. I have tried a few video downloaders, tried to see the file in "view page source" and tried to record it in "inspect" - "Netwok" but it always reocords some other part of the video. Here is the link. Do you have any ideas...
  7. B

    Solved Chrome "Failed, Disk Full" Message

    I have tried downloading a file that is around 7 GBs three times now. I am trying to save it to a 64 GB Thumbdrive that has about 14 GBs of free space, but for some reason Chrome has canceled the downloaded saying "Failed, Disk Full" even though I know for a fact that there is still 14 GBs free...
  8. B

    Slow download speed

    Hello everyone hopefully you can help me with this problem. I just switched to AT&T U-Verse from Spectrum. With Spectrum I had consistent download speeds of about 4-6 mbps, but with U-Verse its all over the place. But on average i'm only getting about 400 kbps and sometimes slower, in the double...
  9. B

    Solved Trouble Downloading

    My phone is a ZTE N718 running Kitkat 4.4.4, I use Chrome as my browser. I would like to know how to change the download location in Chrome. It says it is saving all DL's to my phones internal storage, but i would like it to save the DL's to my SD Card. I see nothing in Chrome settings to do...
  10. S

    Solved Major ping issues in online games, no noticeable issues with internet otherwise

    Hello there, Over the weekend my connection to online games dropped dramatically. Everything else (youtube, downloads, streams, webpages, etc.) works just as it used to. So far I have tried Updating drivers Clearing cookies/cache Giving said games exceptions through my firewall Closing other...