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  1. Moritz

    Windows 11 don't find disk D:

    Hey, I switched from Linux back to Windows and now windows don't find my disk D. But its available on device manager and in diskpart. well i dont know whats the problem.
  2. C

    How to initialize an unknown hdd with all its space unallocated

    os windows 10 A little history, i had win xp on it 10 years ago and i bios locked it. Years passed, i found the hdd and i cant remember the password. So i formatted the hdd with aomei partition assistant(by the way, the hdd is 160gb and it took 5 days to format it with a single pass, fun!)...
  3. N

    Internal HDD made into an external drive not working

    Hi, Recently I got an SSD and replaced my old HDD on my laptop. So I thought I will make use of the unused old HDD and bought this orico HDD enclosure. I plugged in the harddrive and it showed as 3 different drives ( I didnt do any clean wipe when replacing the HDD when it was inside the...
  4. T

    Solved Micro SD card unreadable unless locked (in adapter)

    I use a micro SD card in an Android Phone as storage that suddenly no longer works. Suddenly Android will no recognize the card, says "no SD card" in the Folder-app and all pictures are missing. On Win10 Windows File Explorer freezes when trying to view the SD-card (even when just trying to...