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  1. RayJe

    GPU Upgrade not what i expected.

    CPU Ryzen 5 5600x MOBO ASRock B550M Phantom 4 RAM 32GB 3600HZ GPU Gigabyte 4070 Super PSU 650W So i upgraded from a GTX 1070 to a 4070Super and i got micro-stutter so every few minutes, there is random stutter. It last around fraction of a second,major fps drops in gunfights from 280-300 to...
  2. G

    Bottleneck or what wrong with this build?

    Need more thoughts on this case please! SPEC Operating System: Windows 11 Pro 64-bit (10.0, Build 22000) (22000.co_release.210604-1628) CPU: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU X5650 @ 2.67GHz (12 CPUs), ~4.1GHz MEM: 24576MB RAM DDR3 ECC GPU: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3070 GIGABYTE AORUS PSU: EVGA 600 W1, 80+ WHITE...
  3. Ognian Ognianov

    GTX 970 i7 4790 (non K) 16 gb ram 1600mhz CS2 Question

    Hello i am curious if ill be able to run CS2 with my setup for atleast 150 fps+ because im using 144 hz monitor on 1280x960 4:3 low settings This is the setup I7 4790 3.6 ghz Nvidia GTX 970 16 gb ram 1600mhz I have to mention that i have around 120 to (200+ at most times) (350 max fps) on...