cpu fan

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  1. I

    Solved CPU fan going crazy

    Hi, my cpu fan is very loud on very undemending games (pubg or even cs:go), the fan is quiter on gta 5 with ultra settings. i have a i5-12400F a RX6600XT. Its like the less the game is demanding, the louder my fan gets. For exemple when i open the menu in pubg, my cpu fan instently turns faster...
  2. F

    After cleaning in the Registry Editor, CPU and fan unusually high

    After deleting a few apps I don't use on my Laptop, my CPU suddenly shot up to full capacity and I don't understand why it is like this. When I try to check with Task Manager, I saw that my Task Manager took all the CPU space away. I deleted something I shouldn't, and I don't know how to restore...
  3. Jolt32

    Solved is this clock speed normal?

    first time building pc. how do i fix this if its not normal and my pc fans seem to ramp up and down too when starting up an application. and are the idle temps good?
  4. P

    Solved Cpu fan abnormally works, please help me.

    Hi, I have trouble with cpu fan, and if i search where i want i cant find solution. I upgraded to new case, and upgraded graphics card. My motherboard and cpu with cooler is from some original Dell. Some vostro as i know. My cpu fan spin normally and randomly kick up at full speed with no...