computer issue

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  1. Dvegaa

    Is something wrong with my computer?

    So I have been having this problem recently where when I visit a website, say Amazon Prime or any Amazon site or streaming service like Kindle or Video, the page automatically switches to the holiday special page. This also happens on other shopping sites too. I will be looking at one item, and...
  2. YoDog

    Cpu fan not spinning and no boot

    Hello, When I boot my pc recently it seems that 90% of the time the computer turns on but has no display and the cpu fan does not spin. Everything else as far as I can tell is working fine, the other fans spin and light up and so does as the ram. I have an Rtx 3060 Ti (Founder’s Edition), Ryzen...
  3. D

    Problem with control

    Hi, I ask for help with my computer. Long story short, it has a weird thing where I can only write special characters like ą and ł (I’m from Poland). The roller (?) on my mouse only makes page on chrome bigger and smaller and don’t move the page up and down. There are some other problems but it...
  4. robrt

    CPU usage drops abnormally when playing games

    Hey there, this is my first time using this website. I've been trying to fix this problem I've had with my 2017 Dell Inspiron 7000 for about a month now, but I've had no results. Basically, every time that I play a game, let's say, Rocket League, my FPS drops from 220-240 to 9-22, ping goes...
  5. Alihioo

    Computer error

    Hello guy I have a Dell desktop computer When I turned it on it shows like this Can you guys please tell me what is it and how can I solve it ?
  6. johanfn


    Hi I have a problem with my desktop computer. It freezes all of a sudden, several times a day. Often when I e.g. playing 7-solitaire online. Bluescreen of death comes with DPC_WATCHDOG_VIOLATION, with bug check code: 0x00000133 See picture After 2-3 minutes, it restarts by itself. I have...