Yes, my Chrome menu bar is coloured, but. . .

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PCHF Member
Nov 16, 2016
This is a minor issue compared to some. Nevertheless, I've had the problem so long now that I'm coming to the view that it's probably insuperable. Still, here goes:

It concerns my inability to change the colour of my edition of Chrome's menu bar. By 'menu bar' I mean the one that runs along the top of the screen and contains one's 'favourites' icons, as well as the 'Customise and control Google Chrome' help button on the top right. Now I've done all I can to affect a colour change to this menu bar, including going into my laptop's 'Personalisation' settings and changing the entire colour scheme for all the programmes - MS Word, Audacity, VLC Media Player etc, etc. And it works every time. . . except for the menu bar on Google Chrome.


I've checked my edition of Chrome, and it says it's 'up to date' (or words to that effect). So I'm completely baffled as to what's causing this problem. Like I say, it's not a serious issue in the grand scale of things, but that doesn't make any less infuriating! NB. I don't think Chrome is the cause; rather I suspect the fault lies with either my laptop's graphics card or else something misfiring in its Windows 8.1 operating system. Or what about an attack of cosmic rays?


PS. I use an extension monitor with the laptop and the problem occurs on both screens - so that's not the cause.
Yes, I can certainly do that. The top screenshot is Chrome's current homepage, while the one below is from my laptop's File Explorer - this to offer a comparison. Actually, as I've now noticed, the colour issue I have with Chrome extends beyond the menu bar itself, and includes just about everything except for the 'desktop' background. It's especially noticeable in my Gmail inbox. . . a bit like reading something through a pool of sour milk. Not pleasant on the eye.


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Looking at both screenshots, Google Chrome is matching the theme that you have currently in Windows Explorer since the title bars are the same color. What part in Google Chrome is it that you want the color changed? Are you talking about the Favorites bar in Google Chrome and the area to the right of the address bar where the three vertical dots for the menu reside? If so then AFAIK that part of Google Chrome cannot be changed as its part of the regular color that Chrome uses.
Hi Evan - yes, I agree about the matching colour tones as they apply to the title bars in both applications. That, however, wasn't the issue at the heart of my post. Rather it was this sickly anaemic pinkish tone in Chrome's Favorites bar that bothered me (and it still does). I hadn't realised until you pointed it out that it is in fact Chrome's standard "house" colour. All I can add here is that it wasn't always thus. Until fairly recently the Favorites bar, as it applied to my laptop, matched the slate blue colour, as exists on the rest of my applications - although it did revert to "house" pink on odd occasions. It was this seeming impermanence that resulted in my forwarding this post in the first place. I've since learnt that Chrome do offer a number of alternative colour schemes. . . which I shall explore in due course. Thanks for your helpful comments.
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